2007 Jul 17 12:24 PM
Given a Position Number i.e. HRP1000-OBJID how do u determine whether that position is still active or not??
2007 Jul 17 12:31 PM
ENter that Position Number (HRP1000-OBJID) in PA0001-PLANS field
and take the PERNR from this PA0001
and enter this PERNR in PA0000
and see the field<b> STAT2</b>
if it is <b>3</b> then that positiion is ACTIVE.
<b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>
2007 Jul 17 12:32 PM
select single objid from HRP1000 where otype = 'S' and plvar = '01' and objid = positionnumebr and sy-datum between begda and endda.
if sy-subrc = 0.
message 'Position is active' type 'I'.
or u can use FM <b>RH_READ_INFTY</b>
pass otype = 'S', plvar = '01', objid = positionnumber and begda = sy-datum and endda = sy-datum ( or u can give date range in BEGDA and ENDDA )
If u get some entry that entry is valid and position is active...