2023 Jan 18 6:11 PM
hello gurus
I have been helped by the forum so I am trying again.
I have to uplod scales using a table whose key is the currency (WAERKS) and Material number.
VAKEY is a concatenation of WAERKS and MATNR (Internal value, with leading zeroes).
But during batch input, the currency key appears with the first 2 zeroes of the material.
The file is TXT with tab and WAERKS has no conversion routine.
how can I separate the currency from the material?
2023 Jan 20 12:18 PM
ok I found a workaround:
I created a Constants: lv_space(2) type c value ' '.
in the key I concatenated waerk matnr into BKOND2-vakey separated by LV_space and it worked.
I am closing the thread
2023 Jan 19 12:32 PM
Not sure what the contents of the file your uploading are, but it looks like the file contains only 3 characters for the WAERS-value, where the length of the data-element is 5.
Easily verified by creating a testfile with only one record where you add two spaces after (or before) the 3 characters that form the currency key.
I think there is some FORM that converts the VAKEY to the corresponding KOMG structure. (For that I think you need to check/debug in the report that corresponds with the condition record your uploading?)
2023 Jan 19 1:33 PM
hi Patrick
in attachment is my source fields which contain the key fields, my files (I did try to enter 2 spaces before /after, did not work) and the batch input run 2 screens: first screen is correct, second not; USD is followed by 00, which belogs to the material number.
I had to convert it to answer as I could not attach more than 2 screenshots
2023 Jan 19 1:09 PM
scales3.pngscales4-screen1.pngscales4-screen2.pnghi Patrick
in attachment is my source fields which contain the key fields, my files (I did try to enter 2 spaces before /after, did not work) and the batch input run 2 screens: first screen is correct, second not; USD is followed by 00, which belogs to the material number.
currecy does not have a conversion routine in SE11, material does so I used the internal unconverted numberscales1.pngscales2.png
2023 Jan 20 9:08 AM
ny takers? I cannot find any place where WAERKS is being converted or adapted but indeed, its behaviour, is as if it needs conversion and cannot read the value USD
2023 Jan 20 12:18 PM
ok I found a workaround:
I created a Constants: lv_space(2) type c value ' '.
in the key I concatenated waerk matnr into BKOND2-vakey separated by LV_space and it worked.
I am closing the thread