2023 Apr 27 5:26 PM
Good Afternoon,
I am trying to make a new Query for a report that I have to run monthly, but I am having a real hard time getting the Query to work. I have it to run with all the needed information, but I have to add three items to the Query and I get an error now.
Here is my Query - T2."SuppCatNum", T0."DocDate", T0."CardName", T3."State1", T3."ZipCode", T1."Quantity", T1."UomCode" FROM ORDR T0 INNER JOIN RDR1 T1 ON T0."DocEntry" = T1."DocEntry" INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T1."ItemCode" = T2."ItemCode" INNER JOIN OCRD T3 ON T0."CardCode" = T3."CardCode" WHERE T0."DocDate" >=[%0] and T0."DocDate" <=[%1] and T2."CardCode" = 'V01006'
I need to add the following to the Query - ", T6."DistNumber", T6."LotNumber", T6."ExpDate"
Is there anyone that can walk me through to get this to work?
Thank you.