2007 Dec 10 2:44 AM
Hi All,
I have created a tcode thru SE93, using transaction SM30. I had given a viewname.
My problem is I don't want user to browse table and select a record from there to edit/mtn because the table is too big and results a short dump.
I want user to key membershipno in or select (by match code)
how to do that ? to put something in the screen field to get that ?
Thank You
2007 Dec 10 8:06 PM
Create two Step Maintenance for the table and set some selection fields as mandatory in the Screen.
2007 Dec 11 10:46 AM
When you create the maintenance view, there is a column with heading 'P'. Give the value 'S' for fields which you want to fiter. Then a filter option is shown when you generate the maintenance view.
Also you can create a report and have selection screens(Mandatory) for the fields of your choice. Then filter on the PBO event accordingly ( you may also use apposite events) based on the filter to display only relevant records if the size is more.
Hope this helps.
Shankar Narayanan.