2008 Jul 17 8:34 AM
I am workig with bapi_billingdoc_createmultiple
in that i need to pass the zuonr field also.
thats why i appended the zuonr in BILLINGDATAIN .
But all the values are going to one communication table XKOMFKGN.
In that zuonr field is there , but it is not taking from BILLINGDTAIN .
so i want to use Implcit enhancements ,
please guide me here
where i have to write the logic
( i have double clicked on the ENHANCEMENT 6 MGV_GENERATED_SAPLVBRK in line no. 383 i have added the code but my code is DISAPPEARING every time only satndrd code is there )
pls help me
Edited by: Julius Bussche on Jul 17, 2008 10:18 AM
Please read [the rules|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/wiki?path=/display/home/rulesofEngagement]
2008 Jul 17 10:19 AM
Go to SE80 and give package name of that transaction in which you have included there you will have an option Enhancements. Your code will be in Enhancement Spots and you can check there.
Please reward points if helpful.