2008 Dec 17 4:45 PM
Hi Gurus,
Running LSMW everything looks good, data read, data converted (receive warning message of above message but no errors). Problem is during step #14 run batch input session. Session completes but when I look at the transaction the data did not populate for three fields. Checked log and the following messages are listed. Please advise how to resolve
Cursor field GT_Lines-Value(16) does not exist in the screen
Field GT_Lines-Value(15) does not exist in the screen SAPMKEI2 0200
Cursor field GT_Lines_Val-value(26) does not exist in the screen
Line items added (document "1007949832")
2008 Dec 17 9:23 PM
Hello Annette,
I don't know the program, but I think the program tries to fill the 16th line of a table control, which isn't on the actual screen (i.e. after filling the 15th line, the report has to scroll one page down). You should go to transaction SM35 and run the session in foreground. If the problem is a missing scroll, you should have a look at the OSS (if you use a standard object). If you use your own bdc recording, you have to implement (ABAP Coding in the mapping) a scroll down by your own.
Best regards
2008 Dec 17 4:48 PM
in you tcode the error fileds are not visible, dont pass the values for the error fileds. in customization these fileds are disabled..
if you can check manually these fileds are not input fileds...
2008 Dec 17 5:00 PM
What is the work around as I need this information to be loaded?
2008 Dec 17 5:06 PM
below fields dont pass the LSMW strcture
in the LSMW 5th step Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules
dont assign these values to LSMW strcture...
Cursor field GT_Lines-Value(16) does not exist in the screen
Field GT_Lines-Value(15) does not exist in the screen SAPMKEI2 0200
Cursor field GT_Lines_Val-value(26) does not exist in the screen
2008 Dec 17 5:13 PM
Thank you for responding
I went to LSMW step 5 and selected the field then selected edit from the menu bar and selected 'remove source field'. I re-ran LSMW and received the same messages.
2008 Dec 17 5:24 PM
2008 Dec 17 9:23 PM
Hello Annette,
I don't know the program, but I think the program tries to fill the 16th line of a table control, which isn't on the actual screen (i.e. after filling the 15th line, the report has to scroll one page down). You should go to transaction SM35 and run the session in foreground. If the problem is a missing scroll, you should have a look at the OSS (if you use a standard object). If you use your own bdc recording, you have to implement (ABAP Coding in the mapping) a scroll down by your own.
Best regards
2008 Dec 18 3:34 PM
Thanks for the help. This is the first time I am trying to use LSMW and the messages have been corrected are not appearing any more. What is happening though is the last two fields are not being read into step 9 read data. Any ideas why or what I should do to correct this?
2008 Dec 18 3:40 PM
Hello Annette,
have you checked "Maintain Source Fields" (step 3)? Perhaps there's a difference in the length definition of the fields and the field length in your source file?
Best regards
2008 Dec 18 3:56 PM
That was it - I just ran it and it worked. Thank you so much for the help!!! Points awarded
Edited by: Annette Ameel on Dec 18, 2008 4:59 PM
2008 Dec 18 3:57 PM