2008 Oct 08 3:54 PM
I have project in Quality system.
I have made the recording changes in Quality.
My problem is I cannot do recording in Production system.
How can I transport the recording to Production system from Quaility system ?
Do i need to import/export the project to Production system ?
Do I need to import/export the project to developement and transport from DEV to quality --> then production ?
If so could yuou please tell me how to import/export the project from one system to another system ?
Could you please help me ?
2008 Oct 08 4:11 PM
What I usually do is just creating all LSMW recording + project in DEV and then I import it to QUA and PROD.
To do this go use menu option Extras->Export projcet->here you select all relevant objects you want to export to a flat file (these are recordings + subprojects). Then go to target system and import them back (Extras->Import project).
2008 Oct 08 4:03 PM
Yes, you have to transport it from DEV to QA and than to Production.
To create a request of the LSMW project.
Go to LSMW,
Extras > Generate Change Request.
Naimesh Patel
2008 Oct 08 4:09 PM
u can do it in both ways.
it depends on you.
if you want it to move in a normal process then u have to move the LSMW from DEV>QA>PRD.
Import and export.
If you want to know the process of import and export, u have many threads in forum itself.
All the best
2008 Oct 08 4:11 PM
What I usually do is just creating all LSMW recording + project in DEV and then I import it to QUA and PROD.
To do this go use menu option Extras->Export projcet->here you select all relevant objects you want to export to a flat file (these are recordings + subprojects). Then go to target system and import them back (Extras->Import project).