2023 May 16 4:33 PM
Hello there,
Below you will find a short training program, in which I am trying to list the number of flights from a given city to another. The problem arises when the loop reaches the end of the table. Airlines flight from TOKYO to 3 different destinations. But, in the outcome the TOKYO-SINGAPOUR leg is not included. I would truly appreciate any light on this issue.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration!!!
TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_info2,
cityfrom TYPE c LENGTH 20,
cityto TYPE s_to_city,
nvuelos TYPE i,
END OF ts_info2.
DATA: gt_vuelos TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapisfldat,
gs_vuelos TYPE bapisfldat.
DATA: lt_info2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ts_info2,
ls_info2 TYPE ts_info2,
lv_from TYPE ts_info2,
lv_to TYPE ts_info2,
lv_cont TYPE i.
CLEAR: gt_vuelos[],
CLEAR: lv_cont.
lv_cont = 0.
flight_list = gt_vuelos.
SORT: gt_vuelos BY cityfrom ASCENDING
LOOP AT gt_vuelos INTO gs_vuelos.
IF sy-tabix EQ 1.
CLEAR: lv_from,
lv_from = gs_vuelos-cityfrom.
lv_to = gs_vuelos-cityto.
IF lv_from NE gs_vuelos-cityfrom OR
lv_to NE gs_vuelos-cityto.
CLEAR ls_info2.
ls_info2-cityfrom = lv_from.
ls_info2-cityto = lv_to.
ls_info2-nvuelos = lv_cont.
APPEND ls_info2 TO lt_info2.
CLEAR: lv_from,
lv_from = gs_vuelos-cityfrom.
lv_to = gs_vuelos-cityto.
lv_cont = 0.
lv_cont = lv_cont + 1.
IF gt_vuelos IS NOT INITIAL.
CLEAR ls_info2.
ls_info2-cityfrom = lv_from.
ls_info2-cityto = lv_to.
ls_info2-nvuelos = lv_cont.
APPEND ls_info2 TO lt_info2.
LOOP AT lt_info2 INTO ls_info2.
WRITE:/ ls_info2-cityfrom,
ENDLOOP. SPAN { font-family: "Courier New"; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000; background: #FFFFFF; }.L0S32 { color: #3399FF; }.L0S33 { color: #4DA619; }.L0S52 { color: #0000FF; }.L0S55 { color: #800080; }.L0S70 { color: #808080; }
2023 May 16 5:34 PM
Please edit your question (Actions>Edit), select your code and press the button [CODE], which makes the code appear colored/indented, it'll be easier for people to look at it. Thanks!
2023 May 16 10:29 PM
Please provide the data contained in GT_VUELOS to help us find the problem.
Patrice Poirier
2023 May 17 4:21 AM
Do a little debug to make sure the data does exist in the itab, since your coding to increase value based on same from & destination seems fine; meanwhile, perhaps you could also learn using COLLECT syntax in this case since it is more efficient.