2023 Sep 20 12:57 PM
I'm looking for a kind of multiple selection search help to select many transport requests, which I may connect to this code, in order to select many transport requests at once without pressing F4 at each line of the select-options input dialog:
TABLES e070.
SELECT-OPTIONS s_trkorr FOR e070-trkorr.
Currently, it gives:
I'd like to have a rich selection screen like in SE03 > Requests/Tasks > Find requests, except that I want to select multiple TRs and return them to the Select-Options field, not doing the actions directly on the list of transport requests
Do you know a simple way?
2023 Sep 20 1:20 PM
sandra.rossi , click on the 'Multiple Selection' on the search-help popup, what do you get?
Perform also a where-used search from data element TRKORR in search-help for more selection criteria.
2023 Sep 20 1:11 PM
The problem is that search helps return exactly one value, right?
I'm afraid it must be implemented differently...
2023 Sep 20 1:20 PM
sandra.rossi , click on the 'Multiple Selection' on the search-help popup, what do you get?
Perform also a where-used search from data element TRKORR in search-help for more selection criteria.
2023 Sep 20 1:38 PM
Oh yes thank you Raymond, I forgot this one.
But it's not exactly only this feature I want, so I guess that I can create a search help on E070 and E07T with more selection criteria, and that would solve my question.
Or possibly, if anyone knows a standard function module or whatever to permit extended selections like in SE03, that would be great 🙂
2023 Sep 20 2:08 PM
I browsed table DD32S (parameters of search help)
You could try it on your system, with some luck one of the existing SH has the criteria you required.
2023 Sep 20 4:10 PM
Good idea!
I have found a search help which is fine for me. I'll post a separate answer with details from DD32S, ABAP code and screens.
Thanks for your help Raymond!
2023 Sep 20 1:27 PM
Hi Sandra,
You can try to call TR_F4_REQUESTS function module. With combination of ON VALUE REQUEST you should be able to use advanced search of TRs.
2023 Sep 20 1:46 PM
Thanks. I think I tried it. Are you sure it allows returning multiple transport requests at once?
2023 Sep 20 2:56 PM
I've checked and unfortunately it seems to return only one selected TR. However it's basically copy of SE03 TR search so maybe it will be useful anyway.
2023 Sep 20 4:08 PM
The logic of this function module and others made by SAP is to display TRs and propose features to work on 1 or more selected TRs but only from the displayed screen, only standard functions can be used, unfortunately.
2023 Sep 20 4:25 PM
Separate answer, which comes after Raymond answer and discussion
(please visit Raymond answer in order to understand this one below)
So, I have found this search help: SHLP_TRN_REG_FIND_REQUEST, part of MDG in S/4HANA (2022).
TABLES e070.
SELECT-OPTIONS s_trkorr FOR e070-trkorr MATCHCODE OBJECT shlp_trn_reg_find_request.
NB: to obtain SHLP_TRN_REG_FIND_REQUEST, I have run this SQL query in Eclipse SQL Console, as Raymond suggested:
FROM dd32s
FROM dd32s AS alias_dd32s
WHERE shlpname = dd32s~shlpname
AND rollname = 'TRKORR' )
and have chosen the one which fits my needs: