2007 Sep 10 10:08 AM
2007 Sep 10 10:10 AM
'logical system' is used to identify an individual client in a system, for ALE
communication between SAP systems. That's why you see a field for 'logical
system' in the client master data in SCC4 (table T000). You use logical systems
in ALE config - this should be documented further in the IMG guide, or SALE and
BALE transactions.
2007 Sep 10 10:10 AM
Hii Bala..
Logical System: is used in ALE for identyfing the Partner system.
A Logical system Always points to a Client in SAP Server.
That means Each client is assigned to a Logical System.
Logical systems are defined and assigned in Tcode SALE.
2007 Sep 10 10:12 AM
Logical system is an identity used to communicate in ALE ,& it is associated with individual client.
e.g. : if you have development instance DEV then you can set up logical system for this instance identification as DEV_LS .
2007 Sep 10 10:45 AM
Look at this <a href="http://searchsap.techtarget.com/expert/KnowledgebaseAnswer/0,289625,sid21_gci1230025,00.html">Logical systems, port types and IDocs</a>
<i>"A 'logical system' is used to identify an individual client in a system, for ALE communication between SAP systems. That's why you see a field for 'logical system' in the client master data in SCC4 (table T000). You use logical systems in ALE configuration."</i>