2011 May 20 2:03 PM
Hi All,
I have created one structure with several fields & in last I have created 20 messages . I want to store the messages in the internal table based on two checks.
In the first check I am passing messages to internal table successfully and increasing the value of a local variable "count" by 1 to get the count of messages.
In the second check I want to start from count +1 (For eg: If I get count = 4 after first check. then want to store the messages from 5th position) and want to store rest of the messages from work area to internal table.
Please suggest solution for it.
2011 May 20 3:11 PM
Where is your code? I'm not sure I understand what's so difficult with that requirement. What happened to the value of COUNT? Why do you need it at all?
2011 May 23 11:25 AM
We are moving the two tables records into one table . Then based on that we are retriving the o/p messages .
2011 May 23 12:26 PM
hi sir,
try this sir by giving after select statement For first CHECK if sy-subrc = 0. than count = count + 1 else message e001 "data not present
second CHECK
if count > 4
loop at itab in to wa.
or you can use subrountines in the codes
thanking you