2023 Sep 26 4:21 PM
Hi all,
I have an issue with creating a listbox on a dynpro.
I want to create a listbox with all countries.
So I select table T005T and language English.
When I add the values via VRM_SET_VALUES the values are not shown.
But when I change the language to german or french, the values are shown.
Can anybody help me with this issue?
2023 Sep 26 6:29 PM
Post your code please.
Note that language codes are 1 character, not 2 (it has been discussed a lot in the forum).
Use D, E and F (not DE, EN and FR).
2023 Sep 27 6:19 AM
DATA: lt_countries TYPE vrm_values,
lv_field TYPE vrm_id.
SELECT land1 AS key, LANDX AS text
FROM t005t
WHERE spras = 'E'
INTO TABLE @lt_countries.
lv_field = 'GW_REQUEST-HERKL'.
id = lv_field
values = lt_countries
id_illegal_name = 1.
The name of the field on the screen is gw_request-herkl.
All other fields are working fine, because they are not language dependent. And I have tested it with MAKT and there it is also working.
sandra.rossi I know that, because I got an error when using DE,EN or FR.
2023 Sep 27 6:36 AM
I found the issue by myself.
It is the number of lines. For english we have 255 entries in table t005t, but for german and french only 252. When I edit the select-statement with a "up to n rows" and choose 254 it works.
But this is still weird. When I try it with materials I have more than 255 entries and it works.