2007 Aug 22 12:43 PM
In case of interactive reporting while we go on displaying 20 lists which is the maximum number,Incase when last 20th secondary list is being printed,what will happen to the previous lists,will they exhist or removed from memory,if we want to see the previous lists what we have to do.can anyone explain indetail this LIST MAINTENANCE
2007 Aug 22 12:55 PM
2007 Aug 22 12:55 PM
2007 Aug 22 12:59 PM
we have a total of 20 secondary lists...
we can navigate from one list to another either f3 or
in coding...set sy-lsind = <number of the list that u want to view>
the lists remains...butonly backward navigation is possible not fwd navigation.
2007 Aug 22 1:07 PM
2007 Aug 22 1:13 PM
check the following link-
Juhi Kulshreshtha
2007 Aug 22 1:14 PM
In interactive Report all the Previous lists will be in the Memory .
That means if you are in list 10, the Lists 0 to 9 will be in memory.
When you navigate from 10 to 9, The list 10 will be deleted from memory.
So the Lists are maintained in a STACK in memory.
We can access them using the READ LINE statement.
Refer to READ LINE documentation.
<b>Reward if Helpful</b>
2007 Aug 22 1:15 PM
hi sandeep
surely it will be in memory since it can store upto <b>21lists</b> (1 basic list and 20 secondary lists)....if it exists more than 20lists then it starts deleting the prev list n stores the new lists in memory...
if u wanna see the prev list jus use the system variable...sy-lsind which takes you to the list which u require like
<b>sy-lsind = 7.</b>