2021 Oct 09 8:00 AM
I want a list of BADIs & Implementations changed in last one year.
Is there any table or standard program to get the list?
2021 Oct 09 9:43 AM
You say "BADIs & Implementations", I'm not sure why you differentiate BAdI (a concept) and BAdI implementations.
The first way is to get the list manually while tracing with SQL trace (ST05) to see which table is used: go to SE19, press F4 on field "enhancement implementation", select those with "changed on" >= "20201009" (I don't know why it's in internal format, but anyway it works this way).
A second solution: when you display such an object, the tab "Properties" shows the "Last Changed" information. F1 on that field + Technical Information button shows that this field is based on DDIC data element RDIR_UDATE which is used in the below ENH* tables. Maybe you can look at the fields in these tables and tell us which one contains the "Last changed" information?
2021 Oct 10 7:56 AM
One method i found is
go to SE11- table E071
in PGMID enter 'LIMU' and in OBJECT 'METH' and get the entire list for analysis. But there is no date option here.