2008 Jun 08 3:05 PM
I have been trying to create the Display Roles for
I need to add the Auth Group for S TABU DIS.
Can someone please tell me if there is any link out there
that has the Auth Group SORTED by Modules (FI SC HR etc)
2008 Jun 08 5:13 PM
> I have been trying to create the Display Roles for
> FI
> SC
> HR
> modules
> I need to add the Auth Group for S TABU DIS.
Why does Finance, Supply Chain, HR display access need any S_TABU_DIS authority?
> Total Questions: 50 (47 unresolved)
Are you sure about that being a correct status of your questions? There is a limit to the unresolved_and_not_followed_up_on questions.
2008 Jun 08 5:13 PM
> I have been trying to create the Display Roles for
> FI
> SC
> HR
> modules
> I need to add the Auth Group for S TABU DIS.
Why does Finance, Supply Chain, HR display access need any S_TABU_DIS authority?
> Total Questions: 50 (47 unresolved)
Are you sure about that being a correct status of your questions? There is a limit to the unresolved_and_not_followed_up_on questions.
2008 Jun 08 7:58 PM
Yes that is the correct status for it.
To answer your question-
For S TABU DIS I am trying to give DISPLAY only access.
2008 Jun 08 8:03 PM
Sorry Julius
It is not the correct status.
I only see 9 outstanding issues for myself.
2008 Jun 09 6:27 AM
I am not aware of any specific table which holds the table group : module link, other than the naming convention of the table groups and of course correct assignment to tables. So, you could try by sorting TDDAT on field CLASS.
Take note that the transaction and master data tables (indexes) of the modules typically do not have auth groups assigned, and are therefore replaced by a symbolic group '&NC&'. I don't think it is possible or desirable to assign auth groups to all tables for display purposes, and then still split them into modules. Basis folks can become irritated when people browse VERY large indexes. Business owners as well when they realize that these roles can bypass all their application and org controls to protect their data.
PS: I see 41 unresolved questions. 9 are no longer outstanding.