2023 Apr 11 9:48 AM
how to generate absence quota using RPTQTA00 for 5 days working employee. It is defined only in work schedule rule.
2023 Apr 11 10:04 AM
1. Log into SAP and go to transaction code RPTQTA00.
2. On the initial screen, enter the personnel area and personnel subarea in which you want to generate the absence quota.
3. On the next screen, select the option ‘Generate Multiple Quotas’.
4. Select the ‘From Quota Type’, ‘To Quota Type’ and ‘Number of Quotas’ as per your requirement.
5. Select the ‘Status’ as ‘Active’ and enter the ‘Valid From’ and ‘Valid To’ dates.
6. In the ‘Absence Quota’ section, select the ‘Quota Type’ and ‘Unit’ as applicable.
7. Enter the ‘Quota Quantity’ for 5 days working employees.
8. Click on ‘Execute’ button to generate the absence quota.
If this answer satisfies your question, kindly accept it and could you close the thread. Have a great day!
2023 Apr 11 10:10 AM
my question is.. I want to generate absence quota for 5 days working employee only. How is it possible in configuration. Is there a link between work schedule rule and absence quota generation.
or is possible to give new select option as work schedule rule in standard pnp selection for RPTQTA00
2024 Mar 29 2:52 PM
You can use VARSTDAYPG in a time schema, query work schedule for employees with 5 days a week. its possible in time schema.
if you still want to work with RPTQTA00, you have to query employee who has Work schedule with 5 days a week and input the Personnel number into "RPTQTA00". so the report will run and generate absence only for those employees....