2007 Sep 17 12:56 PM
hi all,
can anybody tell me where is the link b/w a PERNR and Cost center (which infotype) ?
if anybody has played with Tcode CAT2, please revert back !!!!!!!!!
Any help will be rewarded !!!!!!
2007 Sep 17 1:02 PM
Hi Preeti,
You can find the relation between the PERNR and the Cost center in the Table CATSDB.
Also, let me know in which context you want to have this relationship?
In case you have any further clarifications,do let me know.
Puneet Jhari.
2007 Sep 17 1:12 PM
hi puneet,
i have to upload some data in tcode CAT2. There is Cost center that appears in header record of this employee (say 1000) in this transaction ( and say his KOSTL is D010000).
But when i try to update any other cost center with an activity type, it gives me error message and does not allow me to save data.
However, if the COST CENTER <b>CATEGORY</b> is same for all three (activity type, Cost center m tryin to upload and Cost center in header), it allows to save and upload the data.
so my ques is :-
is it necessary to have cost center category same for all the 3 fields or is there some conf. problem?
plz help !!!!!!!
2007 Sep 17 1:03 PM
Refer Infotype 0027 where you can find both the fields.
Cost centres are divisions that add to the cost of the organisation, but only indirectly add to the profit of the company. Examples include Research and Development, Marketing and Customer service. A cost centre is often identified with a speed type number.
(taken from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_center)