2007 Aug 20 11:41 AM
Using Values Greater than 255 for the LINE-SIZE of a List
what i have to do in this case
2007 Aug 20 11:48 AM
If you use a column with greater than 255 as the LINE-SIZE in the REPORT or NEW-PAGE statement, the following notes apply:
- Type definitions: The type group SLIST defines the valid maximum value for the list width (SLIST_MAX_LINESIZE), and contains a type for list lines with maximum type (SLIST_MAX_LISTLINE).
- Printing: You cannot print the list using standard printing functions. To print it, you must create a special print routine that arranges the data in shorter lines (for example, using the ... PRINT ON addition in the NEW-PAGE) statement.
- Accessing the entire contents of a line: To read or modify the entire contents of a wide line, you can use the ... LINE VALUE addition in the READ LINE or MODIFY LINE statements. This is an alternative to using SY-LISEL that is independent of the attributes of the system field (since the length of SY-LISEL is 255 characters).
- Horizontal lines: With extra-wide lists, the "ULINE." statement corresponds to "WRITE / SY-ULINE.". So, for example, "ULINE AT 5(300)." corresponds to "WRITE AT 5(300) SY-ULINE.".
- Output length: You can use the length specification in WRITE (or ULINE) to extend the output length of an extra-wide list up to the value of LINE-SIZE. If you want to output a whole field that is longer than 255 characters, you must use this, even if the field itself is defined as longer than 255 characters.
DATA: F1(500) VALUE 'F1'.
WRITE: / F1 COLOR COL_NORMAL. " Output with length 255
WRITE: /(500) F1 COLOR COL_NORMAL. " Output with length 500
reward if usefull
2007 Aug 20 11:45 AM
In the report statement.
<b>Reward if helpful.</b>
2007 Aug 20 12:08 PM
in report programming if wants to have more than 255 characters then there are 2 options
1. u can go for alv by which u can display only required columns
2. or add addition LINE-SIZE 1023 to the REPORT STATEMENT.
if helpful reward some points.
with regards,
Suresh Aluri.
2007 Aug 20 11:48 AM
If you use a column with greater than 255 as the LINE-SIZE in the REPORT or NEW-PAGE statement, the following notes apply:
- Type definitions: The type group SLIST defines the valid maximum value for the list width (SLIST_MAX_LINESIZE), and contains a type for list lines with maximum type (SLIST_MAX_LISTLINE).
- Printing: You cannot print the list using standard printing functions. To print it, you must create a special print routine that arranges the data in shorter lines (for example, using the ... PRINT ON addition in the NEW-PAGE) statement.
- Accessing the entire contents of a line: To read or modify the entire contents of a wide line, you can use the ... LINE VALUE addition in the READ LINE or MODIFY LINE statements. This is an alternative to using SY-LISEL that is independent of the attributes of the system field (since the length of SY-LISEL is 255 characters).
- Horizontal lines: With extra-wide lists, the "ULINE." statement corresponds to "WRITE / SY-ULINE.". So, for example, "ULINE AT 5(300)." corresponds to "WRITE AT 5(300) SY-ULINE.".
- Output length: You can use the length specification in WRITE (or ULINE) to extend the output length of an extra-wide list up to the value of LINE-SIZE. If you want to output a whole field that is longer than 255 characters, you must use this, even if the field itself is defined as longer than 255 characters.
DATA: F1(500) VALUE 'F1'.
WRITE: / F1 COLOR COL_NORMAL. " Output with length 255
WRITE: /(500) F1 COLOR COL_NORMAL. " Output with length 500
reward if usefull
2007 Aug 20 11:49 AM
<b>REPORT rep [ LINE-SIZE col ]</b>
... LINE-SIZE col
Creates a report with col columns per line.
<b>If the LINE-SIZE specification is missing, the line length corresponds to the current screen width. The system field SY-LINSZ contains the current line size for generating lists. The maximum width of a list is 1023 characters. You should keep lists to the minimum possible size to improve useability and performance (recommendation: LINE-SIZE < 132).</b> For very wide lists (LINE-SIZE > 255), you should consult the notes for using LINE-SIZE
greater than 255.
The specified LINE-SIZE must not appear in quotation marks.
If the you want the report list (i.e. the output) to be printable, do not define a LINE-SIZE with a value greater than 132 because most printers cannot handle wider lists. <b>You cannot print lists wider than 255 characters at all using the standard print functions.</b> To print the contents of the lists, you need to write a special print routine that arranges the data in shorter lines (for example, using the PRINT ON addition in the NEW-PAGE statement.
<b>At the beginning of a new list level, you can set a fixed line width for the level using the ... LINE SIZE addition to the NEW-PAGE statement.</b>
reward if helpful,
2007 Aug 20 11:49 AM
report ztest line-size 1023.
<b>*reward for useful answers*</b>
2007 Aug 20 11:58 AM
Maximum line size is 1023 but we can have upto 255 characters...
you can use like as