2010 May 19 6:41 AM
In PO creation .change and display ( ME21N, ME22N, ME23N ) at header line there is one tab added by customization and in the subscreen of that tab there are five fields now I want to translate the language of all those five fields.
when I go se 80>program name>doubleclick on screen number of that subscreen then >goto->tranlation and give the target language I get the temperory list after expanding the tree I get program name there I get field which I want to translate.
out of five fields of screen which I need to translate I can see four fields there that I am able to tranlate.
My question is why I am not getting rest of one field.
2010 May 19 6:45 AM
2010 May 19 6:56 AM
2010 Aug 09 7:52 AM
2013 Aug 14 1:33 PM
how you have solved this issue??
I am also getting same issue....Can you help me?
2020 Jul 08 12:15 PM
I know it's very old topic but I've faced the same issue.
In my case the problem was that object (in this case screen) was created in DE but translation was maintained in EN->DE. When I've adjsuted translation direction (DE->EN instead of wrong EN->DE) all missing fields appeared in the translation list.