2007 Dec 27 6:43 AM
I am trying to print a label using smartform on zebra printer, can anyone tell me how to rotate the
2007 Dec 27 6:45 AM
There is a command in the ZPL-II printer control language that rotates each individual field by 90 degrees (clockwise). If you insert this command into the output data stream using the mechanism of command nodes as described, you will achieve a rotation of individual fields at printout ("field" refers to a single OTF string command). However, you must adjust the position of the fields (or windows) in the form to obtain a "landscape" printout, as Smart Forms and the printer driver are not aware of the rotation. Define "portrait" orientation, therefore, for Smart Forms Add a command node for the rotation (add it in the MAIN window, for example). Ad the following attribute to this command node under "Spool control", "Free attributes":
Attribute name: Attribute value:
2007 Dec 27 6:45 AM
There is a command in the ZPL-II printer control language that rotates each individual field by 90 degrees (clockwise). If you insert this command into the output data stream using the mechanism of command nodes as described, you will achieve a rotation of individual fields at printout ("field" refers to a single OTF string command). However, you must adjust the position of the fields (or windows) in the form to obtain a "landscape" printout, as Smart Forms and the printer driver are not aware of the rotation. Define "portrait" orientation, therefore, for Smart Forms Add a command node for the rotation (add it in the MAIN window, for example). Ad the following attribute to this command node under "Spool control", "Free attributes":
Attribute name: Attribute value: