2023 Jul 10 11:05 AM
Hi Gurus,
I have a requirement .
I am generating File in AL11 through one program , now first line contains 5 characters in al11 file.
After 5 characters ,I need 1700 spaces in my file and then end of characters should come.\
But when I concatenate space ,it is not coming in file,That is when I download file in text mode and open in notepad ,
end of line (CRLF)comes after 5th character.
2023 Jul 10 11:50 AM
How did you define and transfer the 1700 blank characters.
(Post relevant part of your current code)
2023 Jul 10 3:02 PM
endform. "z_f_send
2023 Jul 10 3:56 PM
Did you debug your code? Do you have 1700 characters in Z_LV_STRING?
How do you download? Maybe only the download part is the problem, not your ABAP program?
Note that this line is a problem:
lv_space = cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>uccp( '00a0' ).
First of all, you want to write a NON-BREAKING SPACE, I guess it's not what is expected in the requirement.
Second, I think it should be 00A0, probably 00a0 is interpreted as 0000 as you can see via debug.
Concerning your requirement, did you look at TRANSFER documentation? LENGTH is probably what you need...
2023 Jul 10 6:16 PM
Hi Sandra ,
I have checked in debugging lv_space contains #. Instead of 1700 character ,If I give 512 character ,then it works fine
lv_space = cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>uccp( '00a0' ).