2023 Jan 04 7:25 AM
In background job is there a limit background job can handle?
i have an excel file 800rows and size is 34mb and program that create a background job. after running it the job status cancelled but when i try to delete some rows the job is working
how can i fix this any ideas or links/blogs?
i don't fully understand how the background job works but after running the program with large excel data the job in SM37 is Cancelled.
2023 Jan 04 8:21 AM
SM35 is used to monitor and run batch input sessions. I've never heard of uploading an excel file to it.
I think you need to explain better.
2023 Jan 04 8:23 AM
What are you trying to do, exactly? "upload to SM35" is puzzling.
What is an Excel file to you?
How are you trying to read it?
2023 Jan 04 8:25 AM
I think my question is wrong sorry i was my first time using the job
2023 Jan 04 8:29 AM
2023 Jan 04 12:48 PM
34 megabytes !!!!!!
I would expect 800 rows to occupy maybe 3 kilobytes.
2023 Jan 04 12:53 PM
It looks to me like you have a custom program that reads data from Excel (probably CSV), creates an SM35 batch input job, and then runs it.
From the second screen shot, it looks like the SM35 Batch Input is running but then fail (FB is a message class for Batch Input). This indicates that there is something wrong in the data you're using for batch input. What do you see for this batch input in SM35?