2012 Jan 25 9:35 PM
As per new SEFAZ rule we need to send pMVAST value from SAP to SEFAZ. I have used the BADI IF_EX_CL_NFE_PRINT~FILL_ITEM as mentioned below to send this field via CH_EXTENSION2.
IF l_mvarate is not initial.
xml_ext2-docnum = in_lin-docnum.
xml_ext2-itmnum = in_lin-itmnum.
xml_ext2-FIELD = 'pMVAST'.
xml_ext2-VALUE = l_mvarate.
condense xml_ext2-value no-gaps.
xml_ext2-TYPE = 'DEC'.
xml_ext2-LENGTH = 6.
APPEND xml_ext2 to ch_extension2.
clear: xml_ext2.
I can even see this field flowing from SAP to PI (checked the same in XML). However the values under this field are not getting reflected in sefaz website. Can someone guide me on this? <removed by moderator>
Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Jan 25, 2012 10:55 PM
2012 Feb 07 1:49 AM
This needs to be done by adding the field L1_10_PMVAST in the BADI interface structure J1B_NF_XML_BADI_ITEM. Then implement the BADI IF_EX_CL_NFE_PRINT~FILL_ITEM.
Now do a Move corresponding from in_xml_item to out_item. This out_item is the badi interface structure.
Do the calculation for PMVA Surcharge Rate
MVA = 100 * [(ICS3 Base Amount) / ( (1+IPI3 Tax Rate0.01) ICM3 Base Amount)) - 1 ]
Note - There is no SAP note available as of now for this functionality
Radha Madhav