2010 Nov 16 7:13 AM
Hello Experts,
I am developing a dialogue program which have a table control in it. It have custom buttons like 'Create', 'Save', 'Delete'. When ever i press enter key after performing any of the three operations, the last operation is getting performed again ( last sy-ucomm action is performed).
How can we solve this?
Viswanath A
2010 Nov 16 7:20 AM
You have to clear the sy-ucomm field.
Other alternative would be to handle enter command.When press Enter dont do anything.
2010 Nov 16 7:35 AM
Declare a global variable of type SY-UCOMM normally it is called GV_OKCODE and after that assign sy-ucomm toGV_OKCODE.
Perform all the operation based on ok code and clear it after the operation.
2010 Nov 17 5:11 AM
define the okcode in the element list of flow logic for the TYPE OF SCREEN.
define this in global
DATA : ok_code TYPE sy-ucomm,
okcode TYPE sy-ucomm.
define this in PAI user command
ok_code = okcode.
clear okcode
CASE ok_code.
Madhukar Shetty