2015 Dec 22 12:54 PM
Hi All,
I want to activate save button at the output of screen RM06ENBE program. I know that I can implement implicit enhancement at
form set pf_status where I need to delete the entry &DATA_SAVE as it was excluding .
My question here is what type of enhancement I need to choose like I need to select the declaration or code enhancement.
2015 Dec 22 1:25 PM
A one liner code or declaration enhancement would do. In this case I do not see a difference.
Thanks & regards,
2015 Dec 22 1:25 PM
A one liner code or declaration enhancement would do. In this case I do not see a difference.
Thanks & regards,
2015 Dec 22 1:30 PM
Hi Bala,
In case of implicit enhance if you do not need to declare any new variables, select code, you will get two line inserted : enhancement_<no> enhancement implementation name............ Endenhancement.
You can write code in between and then click on the activate enhancement button.
2015 Dec 22 1:38 PM
Thanks for your reply Monami I had used code enhancement as this requires looping of rt_extab and deleting fcode &DATA_SAVE from rt_extab. is that OK..
Also I had added new fields using append structure for structure mere_outtab_me2a. I had the fields visible in gt_outtab internal table which is the final internal table for grid display, but these fields are not visible at the report out put.
Am I missing fieldcatalog ? I dont think so because its using i_structure_name and the field catalog was not prepared any where.
Please suggest how can I get those fields visible at the output.
2015 Dec 22 2:20 PM
You could have done without the loop with just the delete statement.
For, the custom fields to be displayed , if you have populated the same fields that you have added in your append structure, it should not be a problem.
2015 Dec 22 2:31 PM
Hi Monami,
Yes you are right we can delete without using loop statement.
I had added those custom fields in the structure mere_outtab_me2a using append structure and the reuse_alv_grid_display fm is using i_structure_name as mere_outtab_me2a where the field catalog is automatically prepared from structure.
But the field catalog is not prepared for the newly added fields of the structure.
Please suggest how can I do that.
2015 Dec 22 3:32 PM
Hi Bala,
I think you have already been answered in a separate thread .Please close this one.