2015 Aug 11 10:50 AM
Hi folks!
I ran into a weird behaviour of a class implementing a singleton pattern.
So, what have we got:
there is a class, say, zcl_my_fi_log. It's main usage is collecting messages during the documents processing. I believe that a singleton is a pretty nice candidate for that role - whatever place there is an error (or whatever) message, it collects them all.
Here's how it looks like (after removing unnecessary stuff):
CLASS zcl_my_fi_log DEFINITION
DATA mt_log TYPE bapirettab.
VALUE(ro_obj) TYPE REF TO zcl_my_fi_log .
METHODS add_sy_message .
METHODS display .
CLASS-DATA mo_log TYPE REF TO zcl_my_fi_log .
METHOD factory.
ro_obj = mo_log.
METHOD add_sy_message.
DATA ls_return TYPE bapiret2.
type = sy-msgty
cl = sy-msgid
number = sy-msgno
par1 = sy-msgv1
par2 = sy-msgv2
par3 = sy-msgv3
par4 = sy-msgv4
return = ls_return.
APPEND ls_return TO mt_log.
METHOD display.
display_in_popup = abap_true
it_log_bapiret2 = mt_log.
It behaves as a singleton is supposed to, e.g. if I code something like this
DATA lo_my_fi_log1 TYPE REF TO zcl_my_fi_log.
DATA lo_my_fi_log2 TYPE REF TO zcl_my_fi_log.
MESSAGE s000(zfi) WITH 'lalala'.
zcl_my_fi_log=>factory( )->add_sy_message( ).
lo_my_fi_log1 = zcl_my_fi_log=>factory( ).
lo_my_fi_log1->mt_log[ 1 ]-type = 'E'.
lo_my_fi_log2 = zcl_my_fi_log=>factory( ).
lo_my_fi_log2->mt_log[ 1 ]-type = 'W'.
zcl_my_fi_log=>factory( )->display( ).
we'll see that message type of the instance held by zcl_my_fi_log is changed (as far as the message type of local classes). Of course, direct changing of class attributes is a bad practice, but I prefer less code to demonstrate the problem, let's live without getter/setter methods in this example
As far as I have a method returning the instance of the class how about removing my local variables like this
MESSAGE s000(zfi) WITH 'lalala'.
zcl_my_fi_log=>factory( )->add_sy_message( ).
LOOP AT zcl_my_fi_log=>factory( )->mt_log ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_log>)
WHERE type = 'S'.
<ls_log>-type = 'E'.
LOOP AT zcl_my_fi_log=>factory( )->mt_log ASSIGNING <ls_log>
WHERE type = 'S'.
" Shouldn't be here! But check it out in debugger...
<ls_log>-type = 'E'.
zcl_my_fi_log=>factory( )->display( ).
And finally we see message type 'S' as if we haven't changed it earlier.
Guys, do you have any ideas of what happens? Isn't my class a singleton? What is the problem eliminated by explicit instantiation?
P.S. I'm playing with ABAP 7.40 SP9.
2015 Aug 11 1:16 PM
Hello Nikolay,
Finally something to tingle the greycells
I think i have an answer, let me try to break it down for you -
Now let us see what ABAP documentation has to say about it -
The int. table mt_log is never modified during the loop execution. You should have checked it in the debugger.
Workaround: Declare the singleton (instance) of the class as public/read-only and use it directly. (Similar to the AGENT attribute of the agent classes for persistence classes)
LOOP AT zcl_my_fi_log=>mo_log->mt_log ASSIGNING <ls_log> WHERE type = 'S'.
<ls_log>-type = 'E'.
PS - I see it is an ABAP trapdoor, maybe you should blog about it
Message was edited by: Suhas Saha
2015 Aug 11 1:16 PM
Hello Nikolay,
Finally something to tingle the greycells
I think i have an answer, let me try to break it down for you -
Now let us see what ABAP documentation has to say about it -
The int. table mt_log is never modified during the loop execution. You should have checked it in the debugger.
Workaround: Declare the singleton (instance) of the class as public/read-only and use it directly. (Similar to the AGENT attribute of the agent classes for persistence classes)
LOOP AT zcl_my_fi_log=>mo_log->mt_log ASSIGNING <ls_log> WHERE type = 'S'.
<ls_log>-type = 'E'.
PS - I see it is an ABAP trapdoor, maybe you should blog about it
Message was edited by: Suhas Saha
2015 Aug 11 1:29 PM
Workaround: Declare the singleton (instance) of the class as public/read-only and use it directly.
... and instantiate it in the class_constructor
2015 Aug 11 1:36 PM
But if the CONSTRUCTOR of your singleton has a parameter interface you cannot use the CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR. A separate GET_INSTANCE method is needed in that case.
But yeah, in this example the OP could have instantiated it in the static constructor.
2015 Aug 11 1:52 PM
Holy moly!
Thanks for clarifying the situation! I'll check the doc more carefully.
I thought of blogging the question but finally decided that the first thing to do is to understand what's going on
Speaking about the workaround - I believe that the mentioned example is quite "dirty" and one shouldn't modify class attributes in such a way.
But if you still want to do so for your unclear purposes (like one of my mates who asked me about this) - this seems to be a pretty nice place for shooting yourself in the foot
2015 Aug 11 1:36 PM
Hi Nikolay,
I think ABAP acts pretty weired here. I adapted your code a little:
MESSAGE s000(zfi) WITH 'lalala'
zcl_my_fi_log=>factory( )->add_sy_message( ).
LOOP AT zcl_my_fi_log=>factory( )->mt_log ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_log>).
<ls_log>-type = 'E'.
data(lo_obj) = zcl_my_fi_log=>factory( ).
LOOP AT lo_obj->mt_log ASSIGNING <ls_log>
WHERE type = 'S'.
" Shouldn't be here! But check it out in debugger...
<ls_log>-type = 'E'.
The first loop does not change the singletons state. The second loop does change the state, namely the internal table mt_log.
It interesting to see that the field symbol <ls_log> is undefined after loop one, but is still defined after loop two.
I think in the first loop abap sees the functional method call ( to factory( ) ) and actually creates a temporary copy of mt_log (?!).
Pretty strange behaviour to me.
Maybe we should ask Mr. ABAP a.k.k Horst Keller?
2015 Aug 11 1:39 PM
It interesting to see that the field symbol <ls_log> is undefined after loop one, but is still defined after loop two.
Thanks for mentioning it! I forgot to do so in my reply
2015 Aug 11 1:49 PM
Well I didn't see your answer when I started to create my answer ...