2015 Dec 21 1:34 PM
Hi Every one,
Could you please suggest if we can add new field werks ( plant ) at the standard selection screen ME2A.
I had checked for BADIs and implicit enhancements and could not find any.
2015 Dec 21 1:39 PM
Why didn't you check the selection screen, it is already available. just click the 3rd icon in the application toolbar called dynamic selections
2015 Dec 21 2:13 PM
Hi Jurgen,
Thanks for your reply.
I know its present at the dynamic selection screen , I want this to be visible at the selection screen by default like purchasing document number and purchasing organisation.
so the question would be how can I make the werks field present at the dynamic selection screen to be visible by default when we go to ME2A.
2015 Dec 21 2:58 PM
Create a selection variant and assign it as start variant to the transaction SE93
the field is still hidden until the user clicks the icon for dynamic selection, but it is already selected and filled.