2009 Jan 09 10:36 AM
Hi All,
We have a scenario where a non-SAP application ARIBA sends Purchase Requisition to SAP via TIPCO as a messaging system in between.
TIPCO invokes a RFC u201CZ_ARIBA_PO_PUSHu201D on SAP and this FM converts purchase requisition into a PO in SAP.
In this function module, there is one importing parameter PO_HEADER with one of the field as WAERS (Currency).
ARIBA, as of now, sends USD as the currency (PO_HEADER-WAERS), but when PO is created it gets changed to US4.
We tried putting debugger in the FM to verify the data (PO_HEADER-WAERS) coming from ARIBA, but control does not go into this FM (probably because this is being called in other application).
So we put some piece of code to extract the data from PO_HEADER and update one custom table with those details, but this is also not happening.
The first query is: We are not able to find out why this piece of code is not working when this FM is called from ARIBA. As a standalone FM, It is working fine and updating the custom table with the PO_HEADER details.
Secondly, how can we verify the data coming from ARIBA into this FM?
2009 Jan 09 11:13 AM
check if it is taking from parameter FWS when run from SAP GUI.