2007 Jan 10 7:58 AM
In all GRID ALV output page up,page down buttons are disable.
i want to make it enable.i have tried to do this by copying the standard pf status.
Then it get enabled but not working.
Please help me out.
2007 Jan 10 8:01 AM
2007 Jan 10 8:03 AM
2007 Jan 10 8:03 AM
if it is not working means you have to write code for that in user command form.
have you assigned the standard fcode for those? P++ or P-- like that.
shiba dutta
2007 Jan 10 8:06 AM
i have assigned the fcade like P+,P,P-,P-- for four buttons.
i have not written the code in user command.can i get a sample of that code.
2007 Jan 10 8:10 AM
i dont know whether it will work for alv or not.
in user command for that perticular fcode use
set cursor line <your lineno>.
shiba dutta