2012 Oct 03 6:04 PM
I am using standard text for heading in smartforms for English and Swedish languages.
Below details are passed :-
TEXTKEY-LANG = '&Y_LANG&'. [Y_LANG is populated as S for swedish (SV) language ]
Standard text is maintainde in SV language.
In production it is printing swedish invoice in original language (English) where as it works properly in Quality box.
On comparing I can find the only difference is in SAP standard global variable %LANGUAGES value is 'VE' in Quality and 'E' in Production.
Please help me to find root cause of this issue.
2012 Oct 03 7:16 PM
Hi Rupali,
I hope there is some problem with the Logic to get '&Y_LANG&',
Pls check this value in debugger and then compare, and also
check whether your Standard Text exists in the language you want to print.
2012 Oct 03 7:50 PM
Please check if the text is maintained in production for the language you want.
You can use read_text function module and check .
2012 Oct 04 5:24 AM
HI Rupali,
Please check whether the SO 10 objects are moved to production or not.
As we have to explicitely capture them in a TR and then move to production.
Sandeep katoch
2012 Oct 04 9:13 AM
The standard text is present in production in SV language . Also in debug I can see y_lang is getting populated as 'S' correctly like Quality box.
Only difference is in value populated in %LANGUAGE field which is SAP standard global variable. This value is available when I put break-point in PERFORM GLOBAL_INIT.
There is no other difference I can see when I compare Quality and Production Invoice for Sweden.
2012 Oct 04 9:32 AM
Hi rupali,
Please check as I can see your are passing only language key as S.
In production
Try in SO10 transaction with the same inputs and pass only Single S in the language and check what gets selected.
I think for SV it is V not S but again not so sure.
Sandep Katoch