2009 May 21 6:01 PM
hello friends
for some reason when I try to create a package with objects like function group and function modules, I am not able to import the function modules on the other server.
So i would like to see if the transport request files that I have created (K900226.EC1 and R900226.EC1) has these modules included in them.
Is there a way that I can see what objects are included in the released transport request files.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
2009 May 21 6:11 PM
check the below tables..
E071 --it contains transport request and objects transported under the objects
E070 -- it containd trnasport request and release ststaus
2009 May 21 6:12 PM
Use the Transaction SE03 for Advanced options to search the objects with in a transport.
Trikanth Basetty
2009 May 22 7:41 AM
Hi Ram,
You can see the objects included in a transport request by going to se09 and opening your transport request and drill down to the task and below the task you would have all the objects that are included in the tranport. You can also use se03 to get the details by drilling down the tansport request.
The problem with importing the function module might be because either the function module or the function group may not be active which may cause the tranport to fail. please check if both are active or not.
2009 May 22 2:48 PM
thanks for all the responses. table E071 was the answer that i was looking for.
Edited by: Ram Prasad on May 22, 2009 3:48 PM