2010 Nov 19 1:00 PM
Hello Experts,
We have a standard_SAP_field_1 in standard_SAP_structure_1, but unfortunately its NOT there in KOMP structure!! Hence I would like to add this standard_SAP_field_1 with the same name as 'standard_SAP_field_1' (meaning am not adding it in a customer name space as 'ZZ/YY). Why am doing is to transfer the values as shown below, (pls. note am adding this field to ALREADY appended custom structure, which is appendd to KOMP)
Now, in one of the standard SAP include of VA42.....we have a statement as below,
MOVE-CORRESPONDING standard_SAP_structure_1 TO komp.
Pls. let me know is it okay/safe/recommended to add a field with out custome rname space to a custom structure, which structure is APPENDing to a KOMP? or any compliocations in UPGRADE process"s SPAU/SPDD?
Thank you
2010 Nov 19 1:12 PM
Yes it is.
I don't see particular problem to do it (I didi it many times), if SAP decided to add that field in structure KOMP in a next release, you will have to adjust it by SPAU/SPDD only: you'll have to decide if it will be better to keep the old versione or the new one.
2010 Nov 19 1:05 PM
You can do it safely.
But: if SAP decides to add that field to KOMP, you will have a problem.
2010 Nov 19 1:12 PM
Yes it is.
I don't see particular problem to do it (I didi it many times), if SAP decided to add that field in structure KOMP in a next release, you will have to adjust it by SPAU/SPDD only: you'll have to decide if it will be better to keep the old versione or the new one.