2021 Mar 22 9:46 AM
hi experts ,
i need some clarification in Transport request .
1. is it possible to save object in same TR even after Moving ( i.e need to use constant TR no) ?
2. if yes means kindly let me know how to do it.
2021 Mar 22 9:52 AM
2021 Mar 22 9:56 AM
Its a risky approach and is highly not advisable.
But, you can Change the released task/TR to unreleased/ modifiable from the program: RDDIT076.
This way you move the changes to the subsequent system and make the TR modifiable again using the above program.
Use of Transport of Copies(TOC):
Instead, you can use the TOC to move the changes from Development to the Quality system without releasing the original TR.
So, once all the testing is completed, you can then release the original TR from DEV to Quality to Production.
For more information on TOC:
2021 Mar 22 1:12 PM
2021 Mar 23 8:29 AM
To Unrelease a transport request is a very bad idea.
When you release a TR, your create two files. These files as there are already created, when you will try to release again this TR, you will have an error.
Better approch is to create another TR, make a Object realocation, and to complet the new TR.
2021 Mar 23 2:57 PM
2021 Mar 22 9:58 AM
You can use the standard program RDDIT076 to revert the status of your TR, bring it back to Dev, add objects and release again, but this approach is bad and I would not recommend it.
2021 Mar 22 10:42 AM
I'm really curious as to why you need to use constant TR no...
2021 Mar 22 1:13 PM
Changed something after releasing it most like. No one actually has this need because the change transport system doesn't allow for it (hacks as described below excepting).
2021 Mar 22 2:49 PM
I have changed things after release many times. And therefore also created new transports many times... I believe that's the way to do it... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2021 Mar 23 8:20 AM
Not recommend to do this because "version management" will not functioning.