2009 Jun 07 8:31 AM
Hi all,
I need to make Department field mandatroy in Transaction 'KS01' Create cost center
Is it possible to make department field mandatory.
Pls suggest me if any possibilities.
Thanks & Regards
2009 Jun 07 9:02 AM
Ask your FICO consultant if they can do this from Confg. side.
Otherwise from technical side you can set this field mandatory using a
Field Exit (Data element - ABTEI).
2009 Jun 07 9:02 AM
Ask your FICO consultant if they can do this from Confg. side.
Otherwise from technical side you can set this field mandatory using a
Field Exit (Data element - ABTEI).
2009 Jun 07 1:21 PM
To add to above, Just check this point:
SAP does not support implementation of new fields exits from ECC 6.0. It will still support the existing field exits in the system
Also check if you can create the field exits from program RSMODPRF..
2009 Jun 07 3:19 PM
Hi Shiva,
I tried with RSMODPRF, here iam trigerring issue when executing RSMODPRF second time with out providing data element Iam not able to see my previously provided data element.
I request could you provide me any documentation with steps how to approach with this method.
Thanks In Advance
2009 Jun 07 3:39 PM
Don't ask for documentation or step-by-step! If you want those - search.
Using transaction variants (and variant transactions to run them ), you can alter many attributes of any transaction, including making fields mandatory. I suggest reading the help documentation on transaction variants.