2022 Jun 08 6:00 PM
we have a Middle layer to convert. now user want to eliminate middle layer and convert the File to EBCDIC Format.
1) Is this possible?
2) Any sample program reference is highly appreciated, thank you.
2022 Jun 08 6:51 PM
The topic is called "character encoding" (see Wikipedia). As you know, everything is made of bytes (binary 0 or 1), characters also need to be encoded as binary. But the value for "A" is different depending on encoding in EBCDIC, UTF-8, ASCII or whatever.
In ABAP, these encodings are named "code pages" (US EBCDIC is code page 0123), and you can use for instance one of these classes: CL_ABAP_CONV_CODEPAGE (>=7.53), CL_ABAP_CODEPAGE (>=7.02), CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE (old), etc.
You can find lots of examples in the forum.
NB: be careful, EBCDIC exists in several flavors (usually by country or language, due to specific characters), so ask your client which one they want.
2022 Jun 08 7:05 PM
Hi Rosi, How are you 🙂 Just thinking how to Tagg you since you are the expert for this 🙂 !!
OK this is for only US Specific.
So I assume its definetly possible to convert File to EBCDIC right?
2022 Jun 08 7:10 PM
Also can you check this link
EBCDIC is 0124 not 0123
Could you please confirm, thank you.
2022 Jun 08 7:53 PM
As I said previously, EBCDIC can be several flavors, 0123, 0124, etc. 0124 is EBCDIC 697/297 reserved to French (accentuated characters), 0123 for US.
Go to SCP to select the EBCDIC code page corresponding to your client instructions.
See Wikipedia to understand EBCDIC.
2022 Jun 08 10:01 PM
I am sorry it didnt notified of your reply, what does SCP stands for? thank you.
2022 Jun 09 7:18 AM
You can search the Web. SCP is a transaction code.
SCP code page site:sap.com