2019 Sep 04 11:05 AM
In table ADRC is there a single column like the addresses element in smartforms or I have to manually combine street and city column together?
2019 Sep 04 11:36 AM
2019 Sep 05 1:36 AM
So if I want query a customer address like House XXX, XXX street, New York, NY,100011. I have to combine house,street,city,postcode together?
2019 Sep 05 10:19 AM
2019 Sep 04 12:10 PM
There is an address number field (ADDRNUMBER ) in the primary key definition of the table as well as other fields with the actual data (street, city, etc.)
But your question is not complete, you have or you don't have to do something in order to get some result. Which result is expected, required?
2019 Sep 04 12:37 PM
Maybe he is searching for a function like ADDRESS_INTO_PRINTFORM to be able to have the address in printing format from address number