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INVALID_SRC_TYPE with Corresponding #

0 Kudos

why do I get above runtime error with below code?

DATA: gv_kunnr TYPE kunnr.
SELECT-OPTIONS: s_kunnr FOR gv_kunnr.                          "Passed 5 Customer Nos here

TYPES: BEGIN OF kunnr_type,
         kunnr TYPE kunnr,
       END OF kunnr_type.
DATA: kunnr_input TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF kunnr_type.

kunnr_input = VALUE #( FOR l_kunnr IN s_kunnr ( kunnr = l_kunnr-low ) ). "Works well kunnr_input = CORRESPONDING #( s_kunnr MAPPING kunnr = low ). ">>>>>>>>>>RUNTIME ERROR
I believe something due to type mismatch but I need clarity.


Active Contributor

Any variable name corresponding to a SELECT-OPTIONS (S_KUNNR in your case) may express both a Ranges Table (internal table with components SIGN, OPTION, LOW, HIGH) AND a Header Line (a structure with type same as one line of the internal table).

  • In positions of ABAP statements where ONLY an internal table is accepted (like WHERE ... IN <name>), mentioning the name will be considered as an internal table.
  • At all other places, it will be considered as the header line.
  • If you want to force the ABAP compiler/program to consider the internal table, you must append 2 square brackets [] at the end of the name


kunnr_input = CORRESPONDING #( s_kunnr[] MAPPING kunnr = low ).

The header lines are obsolete because it's prone to errors. SELECT-OPTIONS and TABLES parameters (when seen from inside the procedure) are the only non-obsolete cases where a header line is generated by the kernel.

Header Line:

  • Obsolete work area of an internal table whose type is the line type and has the same name as the internal table. When an internal table with a header line is used in an operand position, the header line is usually addressed. To force access to the table body, square brackets [] can be specified after the table name.

More information: Internal Tables with a Header Line


0 Kudos

Corresponding Hash one errors!

Active Participant

Hi Shailesh,

Use the square bracket [] after S_KUNNR while doing corresponding, it will work. See the below code snippet.

DATA: gv_kunnr TYPE kunnr.
SELECT-OPTIONS: s_kunnr FOR gv_kunnr. "Passed 5 Customer Nos here

TYPES: BEGIN OF kunnr_type,
kunnr TYPE kunnr,
END OF kunnr_type.
DATA: kunnr_input TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF kunnr_type.

kunnr_input = VALUE #( FOR l_kunnr IN s_kunnr
( kunnr = l_kunnr-low )
). "Works well

kunnr_input = CORRESPONDING #( s_kunnr[] MAPPING kunnr = low ). ">>>>>>>>>>RUNTIME ERROR


Sunil Mani

Active Contributor

Any variable name corresponding to a SELECT-OPTIONS (S_KUNNR in your case) may express both a Ranges Table (internal table with components SIGN, OPTION, LOW, HIGH) AND a Header Line (a structure with type same as one line of the internal table).

  • In positions of ABAP statements where ONLY an internal table is accepted (like WHERE ... IN <name>), mentioning the name will be considered as an internal table.
  • At all other places, it will be considered as the header line.
  • If you want to force the ABAP compiler/program to consider the internal table, you must append 2 square brackets [] at the end of the name


kunnr_input = CORRESPONDING #( s_kunnr[] MAPPING kunnr = low ).

The header lines are obsolete because it's prone to errors. SELECT-OPTIONS and TABLES parameters (when seen from inside the procedure) are the only non-obsolete cases where a header line is generated by the kernel.

Header Line:

  • Obsolete work area of an internal table whose type is the line type and has the same name as the internal table. When an internal table with a header line is used in an operand position, the header line is usually addressed. To force access to the table body, square brackets [] can be specified after the table name.

More information: Internal Tables with a Header Line


Very Nicely explained. Everything is clear now!