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Invalid organizational level deleted from role, transport fails with RC=4

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi everybody,

We're in the process of upgrading our CRM system and have moved all of our transports into the quality system. For some reason, the roles had weird values for org level fields, e.g. $DIS_CHANNE for distribution channel. The upgraded system didn't like that at all so I fixed them all.

Now, they refuse to transport into the upgraded QA system. The transport ends with a warning, RC=4, that says "Invalid organizational level <invalid org level value> deleted from role". However, the changes to the role are not applied. All roles affected by this show with open authorizations.

So far, the the only way I've been able to fix it is to edit the roles directly in quality. I am not a fan of this solution at all especially if I'll have to do it production. I'm trying to find something on Marketplace, but it's being a bit persnickety this morning.

Has anyone else run into this? If so, what did you do to fix it?




Active Contributor
0 Kudos

> So far, the the only way I've been able to fix it is to edit the roles directly in quality. I am not a fan of this solution at all especially if I'll have to do it production. I'm trying to find something on Marketplace, but it's being a bit persnickety this morning.

Does this mean you can actually enter the proper organizational values in the appropriate subscreen or do you have to do it on object level? To me it now looks as if your upgraded system has a different set of organizational fields compared to the one the roles were originally built on.

I only found one note (923468) but that doesn't look helpful to me.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

> So far, the the only way I've been able to fix it is to edit the roles directly in quality. I am not a fan of this solution at all especially if I'll have to do it production. I'm trying to find something on Marketplace, but it's being a bit persnickety this morning.

Does this mean you can actually enter the proper organizational values in the appropriate subscreen or do you have to do it on object level? To me it now looks as if your upgraded system has a different set of organizational fields compared to the one the roles were originally built on.

I only found one note (923468) but that doesn't look helpful to me.

0 Kudos

I looked at the note you found and agree that it doesn't look very helpful. Thanks for checking, though! I was able to get Marketplace to play nice finally and still couldn't find any good notes either.

That's a great question about where I was able to maintain the org level authorizations. In the QA system, I maintainted them at field level, not in the subscreen. They don't actually show up in the org level subscreen. Your observation that the org level elements have changed makes a lot of sense. They show up in the subscreen in the development system. It's still a little confusing since both are upgraded, but I wonder if the SU25 process after upgrade made the adjustment in the development system.

I have a customer message in with SAP. Hopefully, they'll have some insight into this.

0 Kudos

You can promote authorization fields to org levels yourself. Search the forums for PFCG_ORGFIELD_CREATE and adjust both your QA and production systems so they match the development system.

After that, re-import the roles.

0 Kudos

Creating the org level authoriztions and re-importing the transports did the trick. We're making sure to include creating the org level authorizations on the cutover plan for production so we don't run into this there.

Thanks for your help!

Former Member
0 Kudos

> persnickety

Hadn't heard of this one yet, but I have seen the problem you describe before.

How "old" are these roles (original source release and year?)

The field might not always have been an org field, or some attribute of the role / authorization is corrupted by some event which is not foreseen during the lifetime of a role. Perhaps someone used SU03 to change something?

Your best option if your roles are intact (standard and maintained authorizations) is simply to delete the authorization for the object and do a merge again.

If it relates to an issue only with the role and not the field in general, this will fix it.

