2023 Oct 06 2:06 PM
Hi, community,
I am trying to create an Access Request in SAP IAG. I have tried all the possibilities but API kept on returning the below error
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>null</title></head><body><h1>Internal Server Error</body></html>
Please find the below CURL. (The OAuth Bearer token has been masked here)
curl --location 'https://grc-iag-eu10-grc-iag-core-eu10-java-rest-arqapi.cfapps.eu10.hana.ondemand.com/com/sap/grc/iag/service/eaccessrequest.svc/CreateRequestIAGInterface' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer sIz1NWt5WCvyLXaclxfJEi35ydwH' \
--data-raw '{
"priorityId": 1,
"reasonCode": "PAM_LOG_REV_REQ",
"requesttypeid": "CREATE",
"userId": "P000165",
"userFirstName": "John",
"userLastName": "Doe",
"userEmail": "john.doe@aquera.com",
"managerId": "P000164",
"iagAccessRequestedIF": [
"accessType": "SYS",
"applicationType": "SCIM",
"connector": "AQ_BOX",
"action": "A"
"domian": "iag-dev"
The token is valid because it's working for other APIs like retrieving the status of the Access Request etc.
Your assistant would be greatly appreciated.
2024 Nov 05 10:41 AM
Hello Jerry,
Have you solved this issue? We are encountering the same issue in creating Access Request through API.
Could you please help?
Thanks in advance,