2007 Nov 29 5:07 AM
Hi All
If any one having Installation procedure of 4.7V SAP,could you please send me in this mail id. parida_sasmita@yaoo.com.
Surely, pont will be assign to good document procedure...
2007 Nov 29 5:12 AM
Hi Sasmita,
Please follow the below process:
System Configuration -
P-IV - 2.4 Ghz with 1 GB RAM
HDD - 160 GB,
Partion's C: 10 GB, D & E - 50 GB, F - 40GB
1. Install OS (Windows 2003 Advanced Server)
- Computer/Hostname Name - india
- after OS, Install Lookback Adapter with IP
- Check Optimsation Setting in File and Printer Sharing
of Network Adapter
- Make following entry in host file (system32\drivers\etc\hosts) india SAPTRANSHOST
2. Install winzip
3. Install Sun java SDK 2 - 1.4.2_3 in default location (c:\j2sdk1.4.2_03)
- make following entries in the environment variables. under both
administrator and system variables
JAVA_HOME C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03
4. Increase the SIze of Virtual Memory to 3 GB.
5. Install Ntpatch from F:\SAPINST\NT\I386\NTPATCH\R3DLLINS.EXE
6. Install Oracle from F:\RDBMS1\NT\I386\sapserver.cmd
- Database Name - Orahome92 and Path - d:\oracle\ora92
- Select not to create database.
- click in the checkbox Net configuration Assistant select - perform using typical configurations
- make following entries in the environment variables. under both
administrator and system variables
CLASSPATH D:\oracle\ora92\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar;%CLASSPATH%
7. Patch Installation of Oracle (
- Stop the following services
OracleOraHome92Agent - D:\oracle\ora92\bin\agntsrvc.exe
OracleServiceV11 - d:\oracle\ora92\bin\ORACLE.EXE V11
- Install the Oracle Patch from F:\RDBMS3\NT\I386\patches\\setup.exe
8. Install SAP by clicking on F:\SAPINST\SAPINST\NT\SETUP.CMD
- Select to Install Central Instance
- SAP System ID - V11
- Instance No. - 00
11. Now click on run SAPinst ORACLE SAPINST - Prepare New Installation
12. Now click on run SAPinst ORACLE SAPINST - SAPinst Server with GUI select
- select to install Database Instance
- Select The drive for SAPsearch, SAPBackup, SAPcheck, SAPTrace - d:\
- Drive for redolog - e:\
- SAPdata drives
sapdata1 d:\ size 8.52 gb
sapdata2 e:\ size 10.7 gb
sapdata3 d:\ size 10.35 gb
sapdata4 e:\ size 12.00 gb
- log file are created in -
OriglogA d:\
mirrlogA e:\
OriglogB d:\
mirrlogB e:\
- MNLS not installed
13. Database instance will take the longest time approx 150 Minutes
- following process take the longest to install
Database tablespaces
Database Load - r3load jobs
Updating Database Statistics
14. Install the SAP GUI
15. Start the SAP R3 System by right clicking on SID and selecting All Task then Start
16. Login into the client 000 using username SAP* and run the following transcations.
- SICK - installation check
- SE06 - Post Installation Activity
- STMS - Transport Management SYstem
17. Login into client 001
-using userid SAP* and change the password
-using userid DDIC and change the password
18. Login into client 066
-using userid EARLYWATCH and change the password
I sent this to your mail Id also.
Please reward if helpful.
2007 Nov 29 5:15 AM
Hi Sasmit,
Here is the procedure for installation procedure of SAP 4.7 V
Installing SAP R/3 IDES 4.7*200 SR1. IDES stands for International Demonstration and Education System. That means SAP R/3 IDES comes with many example scenarios, best practices and preconfigured environment for demonstration and education purposes.
To have a clean and more manageable installation environment, I decided to do the installation on a virtual hard drive (.vhd). Basically, I installed SAP R/3 to a virtual machine. It took quite a long time but eventually I managed to complete the installation after 3 days J
Installation Environment
I got a 250 GB usb external hard drive and formatted it to NTFS (This also takes at least 2 hours.). Then I copied necessary installation DVDs/CDs to that drive and extracted them there. If you do just opposite, it can also take a couple of more hours as well. Ill mention installation CDs in the following section in detail. I created an additional 130 GB virtual hdd just to host SAP installation and attached it to VPC as drive E:. I recommend you to install and keep all SAP related files in another partition for the ease of manageability and monitoring. System Details are as follows:
OS: Windows Server 2003 R2
RAM: 1280 MB
HDD: C: 20 GB, E: 130 GB
DB: MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition
Collation: Binary order, for use with the 850 (Multilingual) Character Set.
All installation media mentioned below can be downloaded from SAP Market Place. https://websmp207.sap-ag.de/swdc (logon required)
SAP GUI: Installations and Upgrades à SAP Frontend Components à SAP GUI FOR WINDOWS à 6.20 / 6.40 / 7.10 (In the context of this post, I used SAP GUI for Windows 6.20)
Installation Guide: (IWNSQL_A110.pdf)SAP® R/3 Enterprise ABAP on Windows:MS SQL Server Using SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.70,SAP R/3 Enterprise Extension Set 2.00, Service Release 1Document Version 1.10 August 24, 2004
Installation Type: SAP R/3 Enterprise as a central systemCentral instance and database instance of the SAP R/3 Enterprise system are installed on one host
Installation DVDs/CDs:
Installations and Upgrades à SAP Application Components à SAP R/3 ENTERPRISE à SAP R/3 ENTERPRISE 47X200 à IDES-Version à Windows Server à MS SQL Server
2007 Nov 29 6:09 AM
2007 Dec 04 6:53 AM
2007 Dec 04 8:40 AM
Hi Santosh can uforward me the SAP4.7 installation guide to my mail id..
I will b thankful to u..
2007 Dec 04 7:13 AM
Can u send me the IDES SAP4.7 installation guide.. pls..
Am in great need...
mymail id...prashanthpolsani@gmail.com
ThanQ VeryMuch