2011 May 19 2:05 AM
Hi all,
I had create a table infotype using PPCI transaction.
Now I need to insert some records, but I can't find any function module for that.
With RH_INSERT_INFTY I might be able to insert the HRPnnnn record, but not the HRTnnnn records.
Can anyone help me?
Luis Cruz
2011 May 19 10:54 AM
Found by myself.
Function module RH_INSERT_INFTY_EXP
DATA: lt_hrp9xxx TYPE TABLE OF p9xxx,
lt_hrt9xxx TYPE TABLE OF hrt9xxx,
ls_hrp9xxx LIKE LINE OF lt_hrp9xxx,
ls_hrt9xxx LIKE LINE OF lt_hrt9xxx.
ls_hrp9xxx-plvar = '01'.
ls_hrp9xxx-otype = 'E'.
ls_hrp9xxx-objid = 'xxxxxxxxx'.
ls_hrp9xxx-infty = '9xxx'.
ls_hrp9xxx-istat = '2'.
ls_hrp9xxx-begda = '2011xxxx'.
ls_hrp9xxx-endda = '2011xxxx'.
ls_hrp9xxx-zzfield = 'xxxxxx'.
APPEND ls_hrp9xxx TO lt_hrp9xxx.
ls_hrt9xxx-tabseqnr = 1.
ls_hrt9xxx-zzfield = 'xxxx'.
APPEND ls_hrtxxx TO lt_hrt9xxx.
vtask = 'D'
innnn = lt_hrp9xxx
tnnnn = lt_hrt9xxx
OTHERS = 99.
2013 Oct 29 7:47 AM