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Insert field custom in tab standard PPOME

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

i would like to insert a custom field in tab standard ADDRESS (IT 1028) in PPOME transaction

I have done this steps

1) Go to transaction PPCM and enter the infotype i.e. 1028.

2) Check the radio button "CI Include" and click on Create.

3) Now add the custom field which you want incide this CI include i.e CI_P1028. Activate the CI Include

4) Now come back to PPCM main screen and click on "All" button, this will generate the screen and module pool program.

5) The subscreen 200 will hold the new field and this will be available at the end of std. fields when you view in PPOME/PP01 tcode.

To get the new field on the Address tab, copy the function group SAPLRHADDRESS to a Z function group. Add your new field on the subscreen 401 of this function group. Get the field from the dictionary for adding.

Now you need to configure this new Z function group in SPRO. Follow the below path for configuration,

SPRO --> Personnel Management --> Organizational Management --> Hierarchy Framework --> Integrate New Infotype --> Add Infotype as Tab page in Detail Area --> Add Your Own Tab Pages to an Existing Tab Page Group

In the Scenaio Defintion (Hierarchy Framwork) Choose OME0 (I presume you are using standard settings and this is for Organanization Unit view in PPOME). After Selection/highlighting the row for "OME0", click the "Tab Page in Scenario for each Object type" on the left side of the tree. Choose the record which has,

Scenario = 'OME0'

Obj. type = 'O'

Tab Page = 'ADDRESS'

Change the program name here to your new Z function group main program name and screen be as it is.

However, in the t.code PPOME when I select a Organizational Unit , in the TAB Addrres not appear thecustom field

What is the reason ?



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I don't know infotypes, but I can see that the standard subscreen is hardcoded in form INIT_ADDRESS_SUBSCREEN of program SAPLRHADDRESS. Shouldn't you prefer a modification of the standard for such a minor modification? (so that to benefit of upgrade Tools/copy of standard is "now" considered as being the worst solution)


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I don't know infotypes, but I can see that the standard subscreen is hardcoded in form INIT_ADDRESS_SUBSCREEN of program SAPLRHADDRESS. Shouldn't you prefer a modification of the standard for such a minor modification? (so that to benefit of upgrade Tools/copy of standard is "now" considered as being the worst solution)