2010 Oct 27 2:37 PM
I have created an classic ALV-programlist, and want to get input from one column in the list. This column is named "RATE_NEW"
When doing change A, it's possible to change values in the column "RATE_NEW", but unfortunately the edited values is not availabel in the program afterwords (the "register_edit_event" is not triggered)
FORM setup_fieldcatalog
CASE g_fieldcat_h-fieldname.
g_fieldcat_h-input = 'X'.
g_fieldcat_h-edit = 'X'.
When doing change B, it's also possible to change values in the column "RATE_NEW", the edited value is availabel in the program afterwords (the "register_edit_event" is triggered). So this is working find realated to catch the changed data in the program. However using chnage B, all column area avaliable for input (not only the "RATE_NEW" column), ant that is not desirabled.
FORM reuse_alv_layout_fill USING ps_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv
ps_layout-edit = gc_charx.
Do anyone know how to program the ALV-list to have the desired result (input from one column and use the new data in the program) ?
I'm not familiar with oo-ALV.
Best Regards
Jørn Thomassen
2010 Oct 31 10:46 PM
Hi ,
While calling the alv grid display function , use the parameter of EDT_CLL_CB of I_GRID_SETTINGS import parameter(AS a structure).
DATA : ls_grid_setting type LVC_S_GLAY.
ls_grid_setting-EDT_CLL_CB = 'X'.
I_GRID_SETTINGS = ls_grid_setting
2010 Oct 28 10:00 AM
Hello Jørn
You are hundred times faster using OO-based ALV instead of the classic approach.
There are many sample reports available, e.g. BCALV_EDIT_02.
When you call method go_grid->check_changed_data( ) at PAI (module USER_COMMAND_xxxx) the changed values will be transferred from the frontend (ALV grid) to the backend (ABAP itab). It is really simple.
2010 Oct 31 10:46 PM
Hi ,
While calling the alv grid display function , use the parameter of EDT_CLL_CB of I_GRID_SETTINGS import parameter(AS a structure).
DATA : ls_grid_setting type LVC_S_GLAY.
ls_grid_setting-EDT_CLL_CB = 'X'.
I_GRID_SETTINGS = ls_grid_setting
2010 Nov 01 9:10 AM
2010 Nov 01 1:11 PM