2013 Nov 02 2:19 PM
Can any one help me?
I do not understand in the initialization, from where &1, &2,&3 etc values are passed.
In an ALV report, I have the following code:
data: g_tabname TYPE slis_tabname VALUE 'IT_OUTPUT'.
DEFINE heading.
clear ls_fieldcat.
ls_fieldcat-tabname = &1.
ls_fieldcat-fieldname = &2.
ls_fieldcat-key = &3.
ls_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = &4.
ls_fieldcat-outputlen = &5.
ls_fieldcat-checkbox = &6.
ls_fieldcat-edit = &7.
ls_fieldcat-input = &8.
append ls_fieldcat to gt_fieldcat.
PERFORM f_process_data.
IF it_output[] IS INITIAL.
* MESSAGE i000(z1) WITH text-031.
MESSAGE text-078 TYPE c_i.
PERFORM f_layout_init USING gs_layout.
PERFORM f_fieldcat_init USING gt_fieldcat[].
* PERFORM f_eventtab_build USING gt_events[].
PERFORM f_call_alv.
FORM f_fieldcat_init
USING rt_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
DATA: ls_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
g_repid = sy-repid.
* Create Catalog for all the fields *
heading g_tabname:
'BUKRS' ' ' text-001 '6' ' ' ' ' ' ',
'EBELN' ' ' text-002 '10' ' ' ' ' ' ',
'BEDAT' ' ' text-003 '10' ' ' ' ' ' ',
'UDATE' ' ' text-079 '12' ' ' ' ' ' ',
'EKORG' ' ' text-004 '10' ' ' ' ' ' ',
'EKGRP' ' ' text-005 '2' ' ' ' ' ' ',
'KNTTP' ' ' text-006 '4' ' ' ' ' ' ',
"""" I also do not understand why this colon space colon space colon space ... used in the above lines
i_program_name = g_repid
i_internal_tabname = g_tabname
* i_client_never_display = text-031
ct_fieldcat = gt_fieldcat.
2013 Nov 02 3:37 PM
Hi Mohammed Pasha,
DEFINE heading.
DEFINE is a keyword to declare a Macro.
the values &1 &2... are coming from below code:
heading g_tabname
'BUKRS' ' ' text-001 '6' ' ' ' ' ' ',
BURKS -> &1
text-001 -> &3
6 -> &4 ... so on
'BUKRS' | ' ' | text-001 '6' ' ' ' ' ' ', |
"""" I also do not understand why this colon space colon space colon space ... used in the above lines
ls_fieldcat-tabname = &1.
ls_fieldcat-fieldname = &2.
ls_fieldcat-key = &3.
ls_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = &4.
ls_fieldcat-outputlen = &5.
ls_fieldcat-checkbox = &6.
ls_fieldcat-edit = &7.
ls_fieldcat-input = &8.
as per your code for BUKRS they want pass only fiedname, outputlen ...
as they dont want to pass the values for remaining field they are simply passing SPACE with colon.
you can find more information about macro in the below link.
I hope your query got resolved.
Hemanth K M.
2013 Nov 02 3:37 PM
Hi Mohammed Pasha,
DEFINE heading.
DEFINE is a keyword to declare a Macro.
the values &1 &2... are coming from below code:
heading g_tabname
'BUKRS' ' ' text-001 '6' ' ' ' ' ' ',
BURKS -> &1
text-001 -> &3
6 -> &4 ... so on
'BUKRS' | ' ' | text-001 '6' ' ' ' ' ' ', |
"""" I also do not understand why this colon space colon space colon space ... used in the above lines
ls_fieldcat-tabname = &1.
ls_fieldcat-fieldname = &2.
ls_fieldcat-key = &3.
ls_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = &4.
ls_fieldcat-outputlen = &5.
ls_fieldcat-checkbox = &6.
ls_fieldcat-edit = &7.
ls_fieldcat-input = &8.
as per your code for BUKRS they want pass only fiedname, outputlen ...
as they dont want to pass the values for remaining field they are simply passing SPACE with colon.
you can find more information about macro in the below link.
I hope your query got resolved.
Hemanth K M.
2013 Nov 03 1:10 AM
2013 Nov 03 4:56 AM
MACROS are obsolete. I hope you are aware of that we can see those details in SLIN check.
2013 Nov 02 6:40 PM
Below statement in your Initialization part defines a MACRO.
DEFINE makro.
heading g_tabname:
'BUKRS' ' ' text-001 '6' ' ' ' ' ' ',
'EBELN' ' ' text-002 '10' ' ' ' ' ' ',
'BEDAT' ' ' text-003 '10' ' ' ' ' ' ',
'UDATE' ' ' text-079 '12' ' ' ' ' ' ',
'EKORG' ' ' text-004 '10' ' ' ' ' ' ',
'EKGRP' ' ' text-005 '2' ' ' ' ' ' ',
'KNTTP' ' ' text-006 '4' ' ' ' ' ' ',
"""" I also do not understand why this colon space colon space colon space ... used in the above lines
It's just like in our sub-routine using parameters.
For more details refer below link:
2013 Nov 02 8:00 PM
Dear Mohammed,
In ABAP, when a same set of code is to be reused in the program again and again, MACROS are used.
INITIALIZATION event in your program uses one such MACRO.
The MACRO in your code is named Heading an has the definition as shown below.
DEFINE heading.
clear ls_fieldcat.
ls_fieldcat-tabname = &1.
ls_fieldcat-fieldname = &2.
ls_fieldcat-key = &3.
ls_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = &4.
ls_fieldcat-outputlen = &5.
ls_fieldcat-checkbox = &6.
ls_fieldcat-edit = &7.
ls_fieldcat-input = &8.
APPEND ls_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat.
Functionality of the above MACRO: The MACRO aims at filling the field catalog values from work area to an internal table.
&1, &2 etc refer to the different values which would be filled into the work area by the program when the MACRO is called. To understand more, please see the details below.
After the MACRO is defined, it is called in the program. One such example is below.
The below line calls the MACRO that is already defined.
HEADING tabname:
Filling values is done by the below lines.
'BUKRS' ' ' text-001 '6' ' ' ' ' ' ',
In runtime, the fields &1 would be replaced with 'BUKRS' and &2 with ' ' and so on respectively.
ls_fieldcat-tabname = &1.
ls_fieldcat-fieldname = &2.
ls_fieldcat-key = &3.
ls_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = &4.
ls_fieldcat-outputlen = &5.
ls_fieldcat-checkbox = &6.
ls_fieldcat-edit = &7.
ls_fieldcat-input = &8.
The ' ' means that an empty space is being moved into the work area.
Hope both of your queries is answered.
Warm Regards,
2013 Nov 03 5:13 AM
Hi Mohammed,
ls_fieldcat-tabname = &1.
ls_fieldcat-fieldname = &2.
ls_fieldcat-key = &3.
ls_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = &4.
ls_fieldcat-outputlen = &5.
ls_fieldcat-checkbox = &6.
ls_fieldcat-edit = &7.
ls_fieldcat-input = &8.
This is one of the method used to append data to field catalog.
are the position of the fields that should be passed to the internal table of the field catlog ( IS_FIELDCAT).
In your case to this
'BUKRS' ' ' text-001 '6' ' ' ' ' ' ',
BUKRS --- &1.
'TEXT-001 ' ----- &2.
Hope you understood now its simply an other way to fill the internal table of field catlog.
If useful plz like
With Regards,
2013 Nov 03 6:32 AM
Hi Mohammed,
Check this document.. The first section clearly answers the gist of your question.
Also see this document on macros.