2009 Jan 20 12:21 PM
hi all!
I am creating a zclass(z_base_class) in se24 .
In this i have declare and defined methods and attributes.
I want create a new zclass inherit from the base class(z_base_class).
How to inhertite the class in se24???????Any option is there in se24 and call the interface methos????
2009 Jan 20 1:08 PM
First, check that the base class is not declared as final (this is default when creating a class) because you cannot inherite from final classes. Now in se 24, write the name of the sub class you want to create,click create, then click the create inheritence button ( resembles an inheritence tree and is located just to the right of class name). A new field will appear where you write the name of your base (super) class. Proceed. If you later want to change the inheritence of your sub class, you can do that from the "properties" tab.
I'm not sure what you meant in the end with interface methods, but if you have implemented any interfaces in your super class, they will be inherited (including any methods of those interfaces).
If you want to redefine any of the inherited methods in your sub class you can do so by going to the "methods" tab, selecting the method and clicking the redefine button.
Best regards,
2009 Jan 20 1:08 PM
First, check that the base class is not declared as final (this is default when creating a class) because you cannot inherite from final classes. Now in se 24, write the name of the sub class you want to create,click create, then click the create inheritence button ( resembles an inheritence tree and is located just to the right of class name). A new field will appear where you write the name of your base (super) class. Proceed. If you later want to change the inheritence of your sub class, you can do that from the "properties" tab.
I'm not sure what you meant in the end with interface methods, but if you have implemented any interfaces in your super class, they will be inherited (including any methods of those interfaces).
If you want to redefine any of the inherited methods in your sub class you can do so by going to the "methods" tab, selecting the method and clicking the redefine button.
Best regards,
2009 Jan 20 1:28 PM
Follow the steps to inherite a class from base calss...
1. Go to Se24, create a base class ZBASE.
2.For child calss ... Again go to SE24 create a class ZCHILD, beside the class name ,
class inheritce symbol will be there.. click it.
3. Give Base class name here ie. ZBASE in super class input field
4. save now.
5 now all the methods in Base class in public and protected mode can be accessed by this child class..
Note: Takecare that the Base Class should not be Final...
2009 Jan 21 6:48 AM