2009 Jan 02 11:40 AM
Can anybody explain me in detail about Infotype Views?
As far as my understanding, the primary infotype and the additional infotypes are maintained using an infotype view. Infotype views are captured in tables T582V and T582W.
But in these tables I am not able to find the details about the additional infotype. What is additional Infotype meant by here? Where the details or info about the additional infotype will be saved?
Thanks in advance,
2009 Jan 02 11:44 AM
2011 Mar 21 2:56 PM
Per the logic in MP50JF00, only SAP is allowed to create infotype views:
if l_systemtype is initial. call function 'TR_SYS_PARAMS' importing systemtype = l_systemtype. endif. check l_systemtype <> 'SAP'.
Edited by: Shawn Collenburg on Mar 21, 2011 3:57 PM
2011 Mar 22 8:27 AM
Please refer the following link. This will give you an idea about infotype views.
Chellamma Chandrasekar.