2016 Feb 11 3:57 PM
I have infotype with custom fields, the infotype record is inserted via BDC session generated by a report, before the BDC was working fine.
Today the custom fields does not get updated when execute the session in background or foreground.
There is no change in the report at all.
Please advise where I should look for to resolve this issue?
2016 Feb 11 4:10 PM
Hi Ali,
You need to provide some more information.
Have you changed anything at info type level, name of the field ?
Can you check the custom field is populated with data on screen when BDC is running in foreground mode ? Can you debug the code generated for custom fields ?
2016 Feb 11 5:20 PM
There is no change neither in infotype nor report .
Also the name of fields are same as before.
During the BDC in foregrond mode the fields are populated but not stored in infotype.
Note: When creating the record from Tcode PA30, the fields get updated and stored in database table. But via executing BDC not stored.
2016 Feb 12 4:22 AM
Keep a break point in the program and check the error messages.
If you dont mention the exact error, it will be difficult for any one to help you.
2016 Feb 12 8:46 AM
There is no error message occur during the execution of the program which generate the BDC session to update infotype.
The BDC is executed successfully, with no error message, but the custom fields data are not reflected in infotype.
2016 Feb 12 8:57 AM
Are the fields updated when you directly execute the transaction (e.g. PA30) to insure if problem came from BDC or from transaction behavior?
2016 Feb 12 9:43 AM
Execute T.code PA30 directly working fine, but via BDC the issue comes.
(Before the BDC working fine and no change in the report at all)
2016 Feb 12 10:28 AM
Try to execute PA30 with TC SHDB. Here you can simulate the batch input and try better understand the problem.
Maria João Rocha
2016 Feb 12 10:33 AM
Is the user executing the report changed?
HR works with features which are controlled by user parameters. Check the molga parameter.
Kind regards, Rob Dielemans
2016 Feb 14 4:10 AM
2016 Feb 15 8:54 AM
molga is the landcode and can be used in infotype screens to determine which fields you see.
Now that I think about it, you should also check dynamic actions maybe they are not executed when you use a different user.
Anyways start by comparing the roles and user parameters of your user id and the one for background processing.
Kind regards, Rob Dielemans
2016 Feb 15 9:00 AM