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Information required about WORKFLOW

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Hi mates,

What is Workflow in SAP ABAP?can u plz sent me info abt where can i get tutorials on WORKFLOW.


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<b>SAP Business Workflow can be used to define business processes that are not yet mapped in the R/3 System. These may be simple release or approval procedures, or more complex business processes such as creating a material master and the associated coordination of the departments involved.</b> SAP Business Workflow is particularly suitable for situations in which work processes have to be run through repeatedly, or situations in which the business process requires the involvement of a large number of agents in a specific sequence.

You can also use SAP Business Workflow to respond to errors and exceptions in other, existing business processes. You can start a workflow when predefined events occur, for example an event can be triggered if particular errors are found during an automatic check.

SAP provides several workflows that map predefined business processes. These workflows do not require much implementation. For an overview of these SAP workflows, refer to Workflow Scenarios in Applications.


SAP Business Workflow uses the existing transactions and functions of the R/3 System and does not change the functions. You can combine the existing functions of the R/3 System to form new business processes with SAP Business Workflow. The workflow system takes over control of the business processes. If you are already using SAP Organizational Management, you can use the organizational structure created there to have the relevant agents carry out the individual activities. It is possible to have an activity carried out by a position. This ensures that the respective occupiers of the position can carry out the individual activities during execution of the workflow. This means that personnel changes in your organization are taken into account immediately in the execution of a workflow.


SAP Business Workflow provides a number of tools for defining and analyzing workflows as well as for monitoring operation.

The Workflow Builder is for displaying and making changes to workflows. You can make small extensions directly to the original workflows supplied by SAP, such as carrying out your own agent assignments or changing deadline monitoring.

There are several Workflow Wizards to support you in the definition of workflows, with which you can create specific parts of a workflow. The Workflow Wizard Explorer gives you an overview of the existing Workflow Wizards.

In order to make the functions of the R/3 Systems available to a workflow, you use business objects, which you can define and analyze in the Business Object Builder. These business objects are made available to the workflow in reusable tasks. The Business Wizard Explorer gives you an overview of all existing tasks.

The end user receives information about the activities they are to carry out in their Business Workplace. This provides them with a central overview of all the activities that they are authorized to carry out. They can commence the activities from here.

Several tools are available to the workflow system administrator, with which they can control and analyze the current workflows. The workflow system administrator is notified of problems automatically by the system.


SAP Business Workflow with its WebFlow function is an efficient cross-application tool enabling integrated electronic management of business processes. SAP Business Workflow is a solution which has been integrated fully in the SAP System and which enables customer-specific business process flows to be coordinated and controlled on a cross-application and cross-work center basis. SAP Business Workflow therefore enhances "ready-made" application software. The SAP Business Workflow definition environment can represent business processes simply and can respond to changing external conditions quickly, even in a live system, by adapting the existing business processes.

<b>Many SAP applications use SAP Business Workflow enabling</b> preconfigured workflow scenarios to be reused in various situations. The scenarios can either be implemented without any changes or configured for your business processes by making minor adjustments. These workflow scenarios reduce implementation time significantly and have been optimally configured for the respective application functions.

Many workflow scenarios are integrated in IDES (International Demonstration and Education System). It is possible to simulate the business processes of a model company in this fully-configured system.


The workflow scenarios can be divided into three categories:

<b>Creating Events</b>

Events are created to report status changes for an application object and to allow a reaction to the changes.

These events can be used as triggering events for your own tasks or workflows. The events are therefore “connected” in a flexible and customer-specific way to application events, without having to modify the standard part of the application.

In some cases, the triggering of these events is not activated in the standard version, but depends on the Customizing settings. You can find further information in the Workflow scenario documentation.

<b>Providing SAP Tasks</b>

A task contains a task description and the connection to the application logic via the method for a business object. Before you can use a task productively, you must assign the tasks to its possible agents.

The tasks provided by SAP are generally used as steps in SAP workflows, but you can use them for your own developments as well.

If a workflow scenario only involves one task, the scenario can usually be regarded as a minimal solution for showing the connection between application functionality and the Workflow. For differentiated control, this SAP task should be replaced by a customer-specific task.

You can find further information in the Workflow scenario documentation.

<b>Providing SAP Workflows</b>

A workflow contains a complete workflow definition covering several steps. An SAP workflow has a complete workflow definition, but must still be adapted to the organizational environment of the customer.

In cases in which SAP workflows describe business processes which also occur in your company, or in cases in which changes should not be made to the SAP workflow for technical reasons, the SAP workflows supplied can be used without any changes or adapted using workflow configuration.

In all other cases, the SAP workflows can be used as templates for your own developments. The existing process structures of the business application components, which are often represented within a transaction, are generally not replaced. Workflow is seen as an integration level "above" the standard business functions and uses the existing transactions, function modules, and reports.




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Workflow automates the steps and activities in a business process according to predefined procedures and rules.

Workflow presents information and documents to the appropriate knowledge worker or agent (another entity such as a program) to make a decision or perform an activity.

Workflow tracks each and every step in the process flow and maintains an ongoing status.

Workflow also collects and reports all of the metrics associated with the execution and completion of the process.

Check the below links u will get lot of info..


For examples on WorkFlow...check the below link..

Go through the following links on FORK :

Check these links.



For examples on WorkFlow...check the below link..

Debug a workflow.

This has a step by step procedure :

Workflow tutorials with step-by-step and with screenshots are available at



[Changed by the moderator.]

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<b>SAP Business Workflow can be used to define business processes that are not yet mapped in the R/3 System. These may be simple release or approval procedures, or more complex business processes such as creating a material master and the associated coordination of the departments involved.</b> SAP Business Workflow is particularly suitable for situations in which work processes have to be run through repeatedly, or situations in which the business process requires the involvement of a large number of agents in a specific sequence.

You can also use SAP Business Workflow to respond to errors and exceptions in other, existing business processes. You can start a workflow when predefined events occur, for example an event can be triggered if particular errors are found during an automatic check.

SAP provides several workflows that map predefined business processes. These workflows do not require much implementation. For an overview of these SAP workflows, refer to Workflow Scenarios in Applications.


SAP Business Workflow uses the existing transactions and functions of the R/3 System and does not change the functions. You can combine the existing functions of the R/3 System to form new business processes with SAP Business Workflow. The workflow system takes over control of the business processes. If you are already using SAP Organizational Management, you can use the organizational structure created there to have the relevant agents carry out the individual activities. It is possible to have an activity carried out by a position. This ensures that the respective occupiers of the position can carry out the individual activities during execution of the workflow. This means that personnel changes in your organization are taken into account immediately in the execution of a workflow.


SAP Business Workflow provides a number of tools for defining and analyzing workflows as well as for monitoring operation.

The Workflow Builder is for displaying and making changes to workflows. You can make small extensions directly to the original workflows supplied by SAP, such as carrying out your own agent assignments or changing deadline monitoring.

There are several Workflow Wizards to support you in the definition of workflows, with which you can create specific parts of a workflow. The Workflow Wizard Explorer gives you an overview of the existing Workflow Wizards.

In order to make the functions of the R/3 Systems available to a workflow, you use business objects, which you can define and analyze in the Business Object Builder. These business objects are made available to the workflow in reusable tasks. The Business Wizard Explorer gives you an overview of all existing tasks.

The end user receives information about the activities they are to carry out in their Business Workplace. This provides them with a central overview of all the activities that they are authorized to carry out. They can commence the activities from here.

Several tools are available to the workflow system administrator, with which they can control and analyze the current workflows. The workflow system administrator is notified of problems automatically by the system.


SAP Business Workflow with its WebFlow function is an efficient cross-application tool enabling integrated electronic management of business processes. SAP Business Workflow is a solution which has been integrated fully in the SAP System and which enables customer-specific business process flows to be coordinated and controlled on a cross-application and cross-work center basis. SAP Business Workflow therefore enhances "ready-made" application software. The SAP Business Workflow definition environment can represent business processes simply and can respond to changing external conditions quickly, even in a live system, by adapting the existing business processes.

<b>Many SAP applications use SAP Business Workflow enabling</b> preconfigured workflow scenarios to be reused in various situations. The scenarios can either be implemented without any changes or configured for your business processes by making minor adjustments. These workflow scenarios reduce implementation time significantly and have been optimally configured for the respective application functions.

Many workflow scenarios are integrated in IDES (International Demonstration and Education System). It is possible to simulate the business processes of a model company in this fully-configured system.


The workflow scenarios can be divided into three categories:

<b>Creating Events</b>

Events are created to report status changes for an application object and to allow a reaction to the changes.

These events can be used as triggering events for your own tasks or workflows. The events are therefore “connected” in a flexible and customer-specific way to application events, without having to modify the standard part of the application.

In some cases, the triggering of these events is not activated in the standard version, but depends on the Customizing settings. You can find further information in the Workflow scenario documentation.

<b>Providing SAP Tasks</b>

A task contains a task description and the connection to the application logic via the method for a business object. Before you can use a task productively, you must assign the tasks to its possible agents.

The tasks provided by SAP are generally used as steps in SAP workflows, but you can use them for your own developments as well.

If a workflow scenario only involves one task, the scenario can usually be regarded as a minimal solution for showing the connection between application functionality and the Workflow. For differentiated control, this SAP task should be replaced by a customer-specific task.

You can find further information in the Workflow scenario documentation.

<b>Providing SAP Workflows</b>

A workflow contains a complete workflow definition covering several steps. An SAP workflow has a complete workflow definition, but must still be adapted to the organizational environment of the customer.

In cases in which SAP workflows describe business processes which also occur in your company, or in cases in which changes should not be made to the SAP workflow for technical reasons, the SAP workflows supplied can be used without any changes or adapted using workflow configuration.

In all other cases, the SAP workflows can be used as templates for your own developments. The existing process structures of the business application components, which are often represented within a transaction, are generally not replaced. Workflow is seen as an integration level "above" the standard business functions and uses the existing transactions, function modules, and reports.



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Thank u