2008 Jul 17 8:31 AM
hi everyone,
can anyone help in giveing the information about the PRINT-CONTROL function.
i got an issue that a report is printing in a A4 sheet i have to change it to A3
Display the events that meet the selection criteria
he used the PRINT-CONTROL so can i get information about it
can u guy's help me plaese
thank's & regards
2008 Jul 17 11:29 AM
Thought that you may get an idea about how to resolve the issue.
Check out the links given below.
Wajid Hussain P.
" * * * * *
Creating a Format
Creating List Formats
2008 Jul 17 11:38 AM
See the details..
:This variant sets a print format starting from the line specified in line and the position specified in col for all subsequent output statements of the current page. The value in col refers to the position within the list buffer. If the additions LINE or POSITION are not specified, the current position of the list cursor (sy-linno, sy-colno) is used. For line and col, data objects of type i are expected whose values are within the current page width or page length. If line or col contain invalid values, the statement is ignored.
The possible print formats formats are listed in the table below. The runtime environment converts these entries into printer -independent codes called print control. When a list is actually printed, the print control codes are translated into printer-specific control characters.
Formats Print Control Explanation
CPI cpi CIcpi characters per inch
LPI lpi LIlpi lines per inch
COLOR BLACK CO001 color black
COLOR RED CO002 color red
COLOR BLUE CO003 color blue
COLOR GREEN CO004 color green
COLOR YELLOW CO005 color yellow
COLOR PINK CO006 color pink
FONT font FOfont font
LEFT MARGIN left LMleft left margin
SIZE siz SIsiz font size
The conversion to device-specific control characters is made using the tables TSP03 and T022D. If a particular option for a particular printer type (according to table TSP03) is not supported in the table T022D (no entry), this option is ignored in printing. For more information, see the documentation for the tables TSP03 and T022D.
There are more print control codes than print formats formats that can be specified in the statement PRINT-CONTROL. All print control codes can also be specified directly in code using the addition FUNCTION . code must be a flat character-type data object that contains a valid print control code. Invalid content is ignored. A list of valid print control codes and their assignment to printers is available in spool administration (transaction SPAD).
WRITE : /.
WRITE : '123456789'.
hope it will help...
2008 Jul 17 11:41 AM
Check transaction SPAD where u will maintain all print control commands and settings for each command.
May be u can create the one for page format A3 and use it in ur program.
Most of the times developer will not be given access to this transaction. In this case u may have to contact ur basis person.
Check this for ur testing purpose if u don't have access.
Open FM AUTH_CHECK_TCODE and put break point at statement
id 'TCODE' field tcode.
After this statement change the sy-subrc value to 0. U will be able to log in to this transaction.
But use this method only for ur testing.
Edited by: Vinod Reddy Vemuru on Jul 17, 2008 4:13 PM