2016 Aug 15 3:28 PM
we just recognized that in the ABAP Editor settings of the ABAP Workbench the setting "Downward-Compatible Line Length (72)" is missing
in Netweaver 7.50.
Netweaver 7.40:
Netweaver 7.50:
Unfortunately we have lots of legacy code which still uses FMs REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE and REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. Therefore the mentioned setting is essential.
Does anybody know why it was removed? I couldn't find any information about this.
Regards Christian
2016 Aug 15 4:06 PM
Hi Christian,
Unfortunately we have lots of legacy code which still uses FMs REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE and REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. Therefore the mentioned setting is essential.
I don't have the answer to your question. But i wanted to know what exactly is the problem when you do not set this flag? Can you (if possible) post screenshots too?
From my previous experiences, i have the following observations:
I am not sure if these points are still valid
2016 Aug 15 4:18 PM
Well the problem is, when you change code and introduce accidentialy lines with length over 72 you get a CX_SY_READ_SRC_LINE_TOO_LONG exception.
With this setting you can avoid this. So to be honest it's not essential but convenient.
As said, this is only an issue in our legacy code base when the old ALV FM are used. And i only set this flag when i have to deal with such code and the cost of replacing the old ALV FMs is too high. This is especially the case when we do some "technical mass changes" after upgrades and then it's quite annoying when the users get these errors during testing.
2016 Aug 15 4:41 PM
You could replace REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE with something new. That cost shouldn't be too high. Especially since SAP has purposefully removed this option, I don't think you can get it back however you try.
2016 Aug 15 4:47 PM
You could replace REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE with something new. That cost shouldn't be too high.
Yes, I know. But in this case this is not my decision and not the intended focus of this thread.
Especially since SAP has purposefully removed this option,
If it was removed that purposefully, in my opinion there should be something official, a note, documentation or something else but i couldn't find anything.
2016 Aug 15 5:07 PM
2016 Aug 16 11:15 AM
This Shortdump can also be avoided if one can supply DDIC structure name to I_STRUCTURE_NAME in the field catalog merge call.
2016 Sep 12 10:19 AM
Meanwhile we replaced the call to FM REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE with something like this
DATA: alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
lt_fieldcatalog_lvc TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
lt_fieldcatalog_alv TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
r_salv_table = alv
t_table = table ).
r_columns = alv->get_columns( )
r_aggregations = alv->get_aggregations( )
t_fieldcatalog = lt_fieldcatalog_lvc ).
it_fieldcat_lvc = lt_fieldcatalog_lvc
et_fieldcat_alv = lt_fieldcatalog_alv
it_data_missing = 1
it_fieldcat_lvc_missing = 2
2016 Sep 12 10:20 AM
Yes, unfortunately in our case most of the structures aren't DDIC structures but directly defined in reports.
2019 Nov 05 10:03 AM
This functionality can be found in Utilities->More Utilities->”Force Line Length 72″